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“It makes no sense (…) those who make up this collective are manipulated”


June 7, 2024 at 5:14 p.m.

Abdoul Mbow’s response to the collective of Macky Sall’s victims did not take long. The latter demanded on Thursday June 6 an international arrest warrant against the former head of state, Macky Sall. Which is unfounded, according to the president of the coalition parliamentary group Benno Bokk Yaakaar.

” It does not make sense. We don’t give any credit to this collective,” he told iRadio. Abdoul Mbow thinks that those who make up this collective are manipulated and do not understand the real issues. “It is a way of wanting to divert the attention of the Senegalese from what they expect from this new regime. The best thing is to respond to the aspirations of the Senegalese,” declared the deputy spokesperson for the Alliance for the Republic (APR).

According to him, the current power must focus on the real problems of the Senegalese rather than being distracted by political maneuvers.

“The request of this collective,” he said, “is not only unfounded, but also serves to mask the current challenges facing Senegal. He calls on those in power to focus on solving the country’s problems rather than getting involved in unnecessary controversies.

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