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in Nouméa at night, in the crisis unit, with the Minister of Overseas Territories

EXCLUSIVE REPORT – Fires, arrests… Le Figaro spent part of the night in the epicenter of the management of violence, with Marie Guévenoux. In the Caledonian city, where pro-independence dams are destroyed and reestablished, a partial calm seems to have settled.

Special envoy to Nouméa

It was after 10 p.m. this Saturday, May 25, when six senior men sat around a table. In Nouméa under a state of emergency and curfew, the Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories, Marie Guévenoux, joins them in the crisis management unit. It is there, in this charming building located in the gardens of the High Commission of the Republic, that the authorities have been organizing the response to the violence for almost two weeks.

So what does it say ? », asks the minister. A police officer tells him that a house was set on fire in the town of Mont-Dore, near the Saint-Louis tribe, “ who was the subject of abuses several evenings in a row “. This time, shots were fired at men from the national gendarmerie intervention group (GIGN), who had come to supervise the firefighters. One of them, hit by shrapnel from a large caliber bullet which penetrated through a joint of his armored vehicle…

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