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“The NFP has demonstrated that another budget is possible,” believes Manuel Bompard

By Hicham Zemrani

8 hours ago,

updated 3 hours ago


Guest on TF1, the national coordinator of LFI described the government’s finance bill as “austerity butchery”.

A few hours before the start of the examination of the 2025 budget in the Hemicycle of the National Assembly, Manuel Bompard welcomed on TF1 the victories won by the left last week in the finance committee. “We managed to pass amendments which made it possible to generate around 60 billion euros in new revenue”rejoiced the national coordinator of La insoumise (LFI), for whom “the New Popular Front has demonstrated that another budget is possible”. On Friday, the Insoumis president of the finance committee, Éric Coquerel, even went so far as to mention a «budget NFP compatible»with the Figaro.

Motion to reject defended by LFI

Manuel Bompard took the opportunity to detail LFI’s strategy during the debates in public session. In the Hemicycle, the Mélenchonist movement will defend amendments intended to “withdraw from the efforts asked of the French” – such as the increase in the electricity tax – and “generate new revenues which relate to the 1% of the richest, to large companies”he explained. But before debating the amendments, the deputies will be asked to vote on the rejection motion defended by LFI. If it is adopted, the debates stop immediately and the text is transmitted to the Senate in its initial version.

“We are presenting this motion to say to what extent this budget as it is presented does not suit us”underlined the national coordinator of LFI, who describes the government copy as “austerity butchery”. The elected official from Bouches-du-Rhône, however, recognized that certain provisions of the finance bill, like the exceptional tax for the richest, constitute a “break with the doxa since Emmanuel Macron came to power”. In the event of recourse to 49.3 by Michel Barnier, Manuel Bompard confirmed that a motion of censure would be filed by his troops.



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