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In Gironde, a man suspected of planning a mass killing during the passing of the Olympic flame arrested

PHILIPPE LOPEZ / AFP The Olympic torch relay on May 23, 2024


The Olympic torch relay on May 23, 2024

OLYMPIC GAMES – He planned “ a violent action during the passing of the Olympic torch relay in Bordeaux », According to Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. A 26-year-old man was arrested this Tuesday, May 21 in Gironde, two days before the passing of the relay of the highly protected Olympic torch. He had broadcast a “disturbing message” on social networks, the prosecution announced this Thursday.

“In police custody, the person concerned admitted to having considered carrying out the act, without a specific location, following an attack suffered,” specifies the public prosecutor in Bordeaux, Frédérique Porterie. Moreover“no reference to the Olympic flame was mentioned”, she adds, specifying that the suspect was being prosecuted for “apology of crime and criminal association”.

An investigation was opened on May 17 “after a report from the Pharos platform”, site created by the government to report illegal online content and behavior. The platform had detected a worrying message that could correspond to a “ apology for crime and referring to the mass killing that occurred in California on May 23, 2014 », Specifies the magistrate.

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The individual, Alex G., who lives in Gironde and has no criminal record, must be referred Thursday morning and presented to a magistrate, according to the public prosecutor’s office which requested the opening of a judicial investigation. His placement in pre-trial detention was also requested.

A man ” very psychologically fragile”

According to a police Source, the report mentioned a video clip referring to Elliot Rodger, perpetrator of the Isla Vista massacre ten years ago, accompanied by the word: “We miss you Elliot. »

A ““gom-cogne” revolver [pistolet non létal destiné à tirer des projectiles en caoutchouc, NDLR]several cell phones and a computer » were seized by the police during a search of the home of the accused, arrested in Eysines, a town in the Bordeaux metropolitan area.

“According to those close to him, he is very psychologically fragile. However, the designated psychiatric expert did not reveal any particular disorder.continued the prosecutor, adding that the first investigations highlight her interest in the Incel movement (contraction of “Involuntary” And “single” For “involuntary celibate”).

The ultra-secure Olympic torch relay passes this Thursday in Gironde between the wine-growing surroundings of Libourne and the urban area of ​​Bordeaux, where the route will end at Place des Quinconces in the city center.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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