DayFR Euro

The European Council attached to its partnership with Morocco

During its summit in Brussels, the European Council reaffirmed the importance of its strategic partnership with Morocco, reiterating its commitment to maintaining close relations with the Kingdom. This common position of European leaders underlines unprecedented support for Morocco.

The European Council, which brings together the heads of state and government of the 27 member countries of the European Union, reaffirmed the value and importance that it attaches to its “strategic partnership with Morocco”, at the end of its Summit in Brussels. By a unanimous position, the European Council also reaffirmed the need to preserve close relations with the Kingdom and to continue to strengthen them in all areas of the partnership between the two parties.

For the 3rd time, the EU reaffirms its commitment to maintaining close relations with Morocco

For the third time since the Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) rendered its decision two weeks ago on the fishing and agricultural agreements between Morocco and the EU, it reaffirms this commitment at the highest level.

The European heads of state and government have thus aligned themselves with the position adopted by the foreign ministers of the EU countries expressed on October 14. In this sense, they recalled that the Council and the European Commission will continue to define (EU) foreign policy in accordance with the treaties, as a sovereign prerogative of the Member States.

In a joint statement, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell, reiterated the EU’s commitment to maintaining and strengthening its close ties with Morocco in all areas, in accordance with the principle “pacta sunt servanda”.

These declarations from all European leaders have a strong political content and deal a hard blow to Algeria, which tried to exert pressure by summoning the ambassadors of 12 European countries, whose governments expressed their support for Morocco at the following the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Also, this common European position of support for Morocco constitutes a scathing response from the EU to Algeria and its Polisario puppets. With this collective position taken at the highest level of the EU, we are witnessing an avalanche of support, as rarely before, at all political levels and decision-making bodies of the EU, in the European Council and to the Council of the European Union, as well as to the Office of the High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and the European Commission, in addition to the declarations made – individually – by a large number of Member States. It must be said that rarely have decisions of the CJEU aroused so much discontent within the European bloc itself!

A European desire that is being consolidated

Commenting to Hespress on the implications of this position, Abdelfattah Balaamchi, professor of international relations and international law at Qadi Ayyad University, stressed that “the European Court found itself isolated and outside the consensus, and although it is an EU body, it does not have competence in matters of foreign policy”.

Mr. Balamchi further welcomed the decision of the “European Summit in Brussels after governments and member states unanimously expressed their firm desire to promote and strengthen the strategic partnership with Rabat”emphasizing that “regardless of the legal aspect, the Court’s decision and the reasons for its formulation were developed in a politically oriented manner and at the end of the mandate of a number of judges who left their posts”.

The professor of international relations also insisted on the fact that “the strength of the European strategic partnership with the Kingdom of Morocco lies in the fact that it is in the interest of the Union in the first place”noting that “bilateral relations between Morocco and a number of influential EU countries and capitals have reached a milestone beyond the partnership with the EU as a bloc”.

A fatal blow for Morocco’s enemies

Along the same lines, the international expert in crisis management and conflict analysis and risk management, Berrak Abdesslam Chadi, believes that “the collective position expressed by the European Council as a strategic crisis resolution body whose role is to define the fundamental orientations of public policies, in particular the foreign policies of the Union, confirms the correctness of the coherent and firm position of Morocco in the face of multiple conspiratorial maneuvers targeting its territorial integrity through judgments and positions emanating from countries and international and regional bodies aimed at harming the supreme interests of the Kingdom”.

“The decisions of states and governments, through the decision of the European Council to continue to respect treaties and agreements, concretely put an end to all machinations targeting the Kingdom and its higher interests in the European theater, and can be considered as a clear European response from the highest executive authority of the EU to the undiplomatic actions of Algeria which summoned the ambassadors of European countries who published press releases consecrating the partnership with Morocco after the recent stop of the CJEU, in a manifest interference of the Algerian regime in the strategic choices of EU countries”declared the expert to Hespress.

The decision also confirms “the political content of the judgment issued by the CJEU, which made obvious legal and procedural errors in the handling of this case through a narrow and unilateral vision which does not take into account the nature of the facts and the clarity of the Moroccan position ”says Mr. Berrak, adding that this “makes the recent decision not credible and tainted by many political suspicions, in addition to the fact that it is in contradiction with the resolutions of the competent UN bodies and their approaches in a number of similar files”.


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