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“We now have to start from scratch”

Expected to represent the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency of Isère, Lucie Castets announced this Friday, October 18, that she was giving up her candidacy. The left is continuing its discussions to find a candidate for the seat left empty after the resignation of Hugo Prévost.

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After several days of reflection and intense discussions with the political groups making up the New Popular Front, Lucie Castets indicated that she would not be a candidate for the partial legislative election in the 1st constituency of Isère, following the resignation of ‘Hugo Prévost, accused of sexual violence.

Expected to be the new figure of the left in and part of its conurbation, the senior civil servant decided otherwise. The former NFP candidate for Matignon justified her choice to the AFP by affirming that “the conditions were not met“so she can”continue to act as a link of the left“.

However, his possible arrival in Grenoble had aroused a certain enthusiasm in the ranks of the various left-wing forces. The Ecologists, just like the Communists, seemed seduced by the idea of ​​this parachute drop. And this morning, the rebels are also showing their disappointment.

She could have brought an important dynamic, due to her notoriety. We’re not going to lie, this is going to be a difficult part. And it could have allowed us to effectively bring together the NFP electorate“, confides Alan Confesson, deputy (LFI) to the mayor of Grenoble.

However, Lucie Castets’ decision would be one of the consequences of the demands of La France Insoumise. Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party had set an inviolable condition for the senior official to sit in her group in the Assembly.

She did not accept this condition of sitting when there was even a ‘flying goal’ proposal, that is to say that she could join a different parliamentary group each year. So it’s a little difficult to understand because we can consider that it was a small sacrifice on our part. We don’t have the feeling that this was a very important concession to make, especially since LFI continues to support his candidacy for Matignon.” exclaims Alan Confesson.

The Socialist Party had also left the door open to the candidacy of Lucie Castets. The announcement of his renunciation was ultimately experienced as “a little disappointment”assures Damien Perrard, first federal secretary of PS of Isère.We were at her disposal and we were in favor of her being parachuted. […] Thanks to her notoriety but also her knowledge of the territories and communities, she could have been a good candidate“.

And this decision by Lucie Castets will not ease tensions in Isère over who will represent the New Popular Front. The battle on the left has started again with a vengeance for this candidacy in the 1st constituency of Isère.

The PS invested Amandine Germain for a “candidature d’union“with a view to this partial legislative. The departmental councilor of Isère was appointed by party activists during a vote organized internally.” Amandine Germain has been a local elected official for several years. She knows this area very well. She is known and recognized. She has proven herself in this territory and she has always been the union candidate within this party“, supports Damien Perrard.

“Only the PS could be the link between all the left-wing electorates. If it is LFI, part of the electorate could shift to a Renaissance candidate.”

Damien Perrard, first secretary general of Isère

But France Insoumise does not intend to leave the 1st constituency in the hands of another political force. Even “if you have to start from scratch“, the Insoumis assure that the candidate of the New Popular Front will sit in his group in the Assembly.

There was a national candidacy agreement in the NFP before the early legislative elections last June. And there’s no reason to break this deal“, warns Alan Confesson, deputy (LFI) to the mayor of Grenoble.

No candidate has been officially nominated but several names have been circulating since Lucie Castets’ announcement. “We are currently thinking about certain profiles. But one thing is certain, there is very strong support for this to be a candidate and not a candidate. Putting a woman would allow us to make a strong break with the Hugo Prévost affair“, advances the rebel.

According to our information, several avenues are being considered for this 1st constituency such as Salomé Robin, the former deputy of Hugo Prévost. She resigned as soon as the “serious” sexual acts alleged against the former MP were revealed.

“France Insoumise and its internal regulatory bodies played their role in the Hugo Prévost affair. I don’t see why we should shame them!”

Ali Karakiprik, regional co-secretary of Ecologists

The deputy to the City of Grenoble, Laura Pfister, could also join the dance to run for a deputy mandate, just like Salima Djidel, the municipal councilor municipal catering delegate.

In this political struggle, the Ecologists wish to line up behind the decision of the New Popular Front: “We will play the NFP game. […] This is a constituency that was allocated to LFI and if an LFI candidate is nominated, then we will support him. France Insoumise and its internal regulatory bodies played their role in the Hugo Prévost affair. I don’t see why we should shame them.“, confides Ali Karakiprik, regional co-secretary of Ecologists.

Discussions within the New Popular Front must be held in the coming days to nominate the left-wing candidate for this 1st constituency of Isère.


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