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How Chrome will make your life easier if you use a password manager

As long as you’re not completely versed in the Google ecosystem, you’ve probably already had problems with Chrome’s autofill feature on mobile. This will all soon be history.

Source : Google

Your browsing experience on Chrome is about to get a whole lot better. As noted by the site Android AuthorityGoogle is preparing to make Chrome compatible with third-party password managers.

Until now, if you were using an app like 1Password or Dashlane, the integration with Google’s mobile browser wasn’t ideal. To get around the limits imposed by Google, some apps used a “compatibility” mode to fill in identification fields, which caused numerous bugs.

Chrome opens up to competition

Starting with version 131 of Chrome, scheduled for November 12, Google’s browser should allow you to natively choose the password manager of your choice rather than pushing the one integrated into Chrome at all costs. A way to make the browser less hostile to competition.

Concretely, within a short month, you will just have to go to the browser settings in the “Autofill service” section to decide whether you want to use Google services or your favorite password manager. If the latter is already entered as a “preferred service” within the Android settings (Settings, Passwords, Preferred service), then it will gracefully take over from the manager integrated into Chrome, connecting you to your favorite sites without difficulty.

To go further
What are the best free and paid password managers?

Good news, no updates or code changes are requested by the development teams. As long as the app supports Android’s autofill, it should work with Chrome’s.

How to activate it now?

If you don’t want to wait for the transition to Chrome 131 to take advantage of this new feature, you can activate it on the stable version of the browser right now by getting your hands dirty.

  • Open Chrome
  • Type “ chrome : //flags » in the address bar
  • Enter “ enable-autofill-virtual-view-structure» in the search box
  • Switch the appropriate option to “ Enabled »
  • Relaunch Chrome
  • Meet in thebrowser settings(three dots at top right)
  • ChooseAutofill Servicese
  • Checkautofill with another service
  • Relaunch Chrome

Normally, the browser should natively offer you your credentials from your favorite password manager. Be careful though, as the functionality has not yet been officially released, you may encounter bugs during use.


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