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Musk holds town hall meetings to support Trump

After millions of dollars in funding, Elon Musk is getting even more involved with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump by organizing public meetings. ‘I have three conferences planned in Pennsylvania,’ he announced on X on Thursday.

“But I will probably do half a dozen” in this key state for the November election, added Elon Musk on his social network.

On stage in front of a huge American flag, for his first meeting Thursday evening in Folson, near Philadelphia, the richest man in the world explained to the audience that he was there because ‘Pennsylvania is crucial to the future of world’.

‘I cannot stress enough that Pennsylvania will decide the fate [des Etats-Unis d’]America and, with the fate of America, the fate of Western civilization,’ he added.

Government position

He had announced the day before the organization of these meetings, the following of which will take place in Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. To participate, two conditions: be registered on the electoral lists of this state and have signed a petition in favor of the first and second amendments. The latter guarantee freedom of expression, religion and the press, as well as the right to bear arms.

Elon Musk estimated Thursday that the values ​​defended by Donald Trump were not ‘right-wing values, as is often said’, but the ‘fundamental values’ of the United States. ‘And anyone who opposes these values ​​is fundamentally un-American.’

Pennsylvania is one of the seven pivotal states where the presidential election will be played, and the most coveted. Many blue-collar workers in this northeastern region of the country, in industrial decline, left the Democratic ship to join Trump.

In recent weeks, Elon Musk has worked hard to support the Republican candidate, for whom he has accumulated $75 million in donations.

In early October, the billionaire appeared at a political rally for the first time, leaping on stage as he joined Donald Trump. He also declared himself available for a possible government position in the event of a Republican victory.



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