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PSPP at war against the “Pratte Patrouille”

The leader of the Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, fired a new arrow at the editors of the study criticizing the “year 1 budget” of a Quebec independent of the Parti Québécois, published last year.

The study, carried out by the president of the National Political Commission of the PLQ, André Pratte, the former liberal minister Alain Paquet and two economists, Robert Gagné and Louis Lévesque, is a document which “plays in the methodology to create a climate of uncertainty and fear,” according to the PQ leader.

The latter speaks of a “return of the No camp” as during the 1995 referendum.

André Pratte wanted to defend his work and that of his colleagues on Thursday in the social network X.

“Contrary to what Paul St-Pierre Plamondon claims, there is no “NO camp”; only 4 people who dared to question, in a rigorous document produced with extremely modest means, the hypotheses and conclusions of the “Budget of Year 1”,” wrote the former journalist and columnist.

“Is it allowed to contest the PQ’s theses without being accused of leading “a campaign of fear”? When I read the reactions of MM. Plamondon and Coulombe, I find that the “fear campaign” comes much more from them than from our very modest group,” he added.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon responded to his counterpart by proposing that in the future, the “No camp” be renamed the “Pratte Patrouille”.

In its analysis entitled “Finances of an independent Quebec: a critical look?”, Mr. Pratte’s group maintains that the PQ’s budgetary forecasts underestimate the costs of a possible separation of Quebec and the operating budget of an independent Quebec, while overestimating independent income.



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