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Deposit on beverage containers | Fewer return locations and further delays

Less than half of the modern return locations for returnable containers that were promised for the 1is March by beverage manufacturers will finally be ready on time, which is raising fears among retailers and the Quebec government.

Published yesterday at 5:57 p.m.

“We will not have 200 places to return to 1is March,” declared Wednesday the president and CEO of the Quebec Association for the Recovery of Beverage Containers (AQRCB), Normand Bisson.

This is the first time that this organization created by stakeholders in the beverage industry to manage the expansion of the instructions adopted by the Legault government has acknowledged that it will not achieve the objective it had set itself. -even fixed.

The AQRCB planned to open 200 Consignaction and Consignaction+ branches, establishments intended exclusively for the return of returnable containers, in time for the extension of the deposit to glass containers, such as wine bottles, to multi-layer containers, used for milk, as well as all plastic containers that are not yet returnable, such as water bottles, which will come into force on 1is mars 2025.


The President and CEO of the AQRCB, Normand Bisson

Ultimately, only 95 branches could be ready by this date, indicated Normand Bisson, who presented to the media a branch recently opened in the borough of LaSalle, in Montreal, where the Minister of the Environment, Benoit Charette, had made a surprise visit in August.

Read ““We must accelerate the pace”, pleads Minister Charette”

Insufficient, says the minister

The AQRCB, which was entrusted with the management of the new deposit system in October 2022, says it is currently working “in parallel” on the opening of 80 branches, which will be added to the existing 15, of which 7 have opened their doors in September.

“We are moving extremely quickly,” said Mr. Bisson, attributing the start-up delays to factors beyond his organization’s control, such as negotiating leases, obtaining permits for development work and carrying out these projects. works.

“Clearly, the pace of deployment is not fast enough,” reiterated Minister Benoit Charette. “We are getting closer to 1is March, we are at 15 places currently open, it is completely unacceptable,” he declared during a press scrum at the National Assembly, not ruling out returning the regulations to which the AQRCB is subject “more restrictive if necessary”.

In the longer term, the AQRCB still considers itself able to achieve its objective of 400 branches by the end of 2026; a senior manager of the organization recently stated in a publication on social networks that they were looking for premises “available very quickly” in the greater Montreal region and in Gatineau.

Fewer retailers

The number of return locations at retailers, which will be called the “Consignaction Zone”, will also be reduced. The Legault government published on Wednesday a draft regulatory amendment which will notably increase the minimum total number of return locations for returnable containers from 1,500 to 1,200 from 1is mars 2025.

The number of 1,500 had been established based on a system based mainly on retailers, indicates Normand Bisson, who explains that it is ultimately the Consignaction and Consignaction+ branches which will absorb “the majority of the volume of returnable containers”.


Mr. Bisson assures that there is no contradiction in reducing the number of retailers who will take back returnable containers while his organization itself reduces the rate of opening of its specialized branches.

This is not contradictory because our objective is to base the deposit system on the network of return points, and what we are trying to do is to open up as many as possible, so it’s consistent.

Normand Bisson, president and CEO of the AQRCB

Difficult negotiations

The implementation of “Consignaction Zones” among retailers is also facing difficulties, five months before the deadline of 1is March. Discussions between the AQRCB and retailers are laborious, he told The Press a person who witnesses it, but is not authorized to speak about it publicly.

“Everyone is pulling in the boat,” this person illustrated, believing that it would be time to start “plugging the holes”.

“We still have to settle the details of certain things, but we work really well with the representatives of the retailers,” assures the CEO of the AQRCB, an opinion which is not shared by his counterparts.

The information arrives “in dribs and drabs,” laments Samuel Bouchard-Villeneuve, director of public affairs for the Association of Food Retailers of Quebec (ADAQ). No member of the ADAQ has yet been able to apply for a permit to carry out the work required for the development of its facilities, due to lack of information, he illustrates.

The AQRCB did not want to say on Wednesday when it would make public its plan for deploying the network of places of return, as requested by Minister Benoit Charette.

“Our deployment plan is known,” Normand Bisson simply replied. He predicts that we will open as many return locations as possible for the 1is mars. »

With the collaboration of Charles Lecavalier, The Press

Learn more

  • 10 cents
    Standardized deposit for all beverage containers, except for glass containers from 500 ml to 2 L

    source: Quebec Association for the Recovery of Beverage Containers

    25 cents
    Standardized deposit for glass beverage containers from 500 ml to 2 L

    source: Quebec Association for the Recovery of Beverage Containers


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