DayFR Euro

demonstrations took place this Saturday in to defend “a right”

Several hundred people demonstrated this Saturday in with the aim of defending the right to abortion.

In a climate of concern and vigilance six months after the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution, hundreds of people demonstrated on Saturday in and in several French cities to defend the right to abortion.

On the occasion of the international day dedicated to this right which remains hampered or even absent in certain countries, the procession set off in the capital, at the call of the collective “Abortion in Europe, women decide”, bringing together feminist associations and unions.

The text of the call to demonstrate is concerned that the conditions of the “guaranteed freedom” of access to abortion enshrined in the Constitution in March could be “downgraded”, a first in the world.

“The right to choose is vital”

In and even in , where around 150 people demonstrated, the “resignation of parliamentarians who voted against abortion in the Constitution” in March was demanded, in a rally where signs proclaimed “you don’t want me to ‘abort then castrate yourself’, or ‘the right to choose is vital’.

In , around a hundred people according to the police gathered to express their “solidarity with women around the world”.

“We are demonstrating for access to abortion in Europe and around the world but also in France where we are denouncing the obstacles that exist,” explains Clémence Rouland, 35, of the Women’s Rights collective.

More than 240,000 abortions in 2023

According to official figures, 243,623 abortions were recorded in France in 2023, 8,600 more than in 2022. But for feminist associations and 89% of French people, obstacles persist, particularly in terms of structures and deadlines, according to a barometer Ifop published by Family Planning.


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