DayFR Euro

the MRI places part of Belgium on yellow alert this Friday

“It will be downright cold for the season, there will be a nice drop in temperatures”: Luc Trullemans’s bleak forecasts for the days to come

Luc Trullemans’ weather forecasts are not very encouraging…

By Sudinfo with Luc Trullemans

Published on 09/26/2024 at 7:30 p.m.

This summer has been the hottest ever recorded on the European continent, the European Copernicus Observatory reported Thursday. Let’s not be afraid to say it, the heat has undoubtedly forgotten that Belgium existed… While other countries were literally burning, our flat country remained confined to clouds and grayness.

And the forecasts to follow are still going in this direction. A strong current of cold polar air crosses the North Sea, loaded with humidity and will bring a lot of showers this Friday which could sometimes even be accompanied by thunder and sleet.

However, to start the day we will be treated to some nice clearings in the center of the country, lots of clouds and rather continuous rain in the province of Luxembourg and already good showers at the sea.

These locally stormy showers will spread in the afternoon and evening towards all regions and the northwest wind will pick up at the sea to reach gusts of 70-80 km/h at the end of the day.

It will be quite cold for the season with maximums not exceeding 15 to 16° in the plains and at the sea and around ten degrees on the high plateaus of the east of the country.

At night there will still be showers but less heavy and frequent than during the day in an air where the minimums will be 6° in Hautes Fagnes, 9° in the capital and 12° along the sea.


The air will still be unstable enough to allow showers in most regions except in the west of Flanders, a large part of Hainaut and the south of the province of Luxembourg where it should be dry with sunny spells which will also become more beautiful at the end of the day from the west to the center of the country.

It will be downright cold for the season with temperatures no longer exceeding 13° to 14° in the plains and 8 to 10° in the upper Ardennes.

The sky will clear almost completely at night which promises to be very cold with even formations of freezing fog in the valleys of the Ardennes (!).

Note a nice drop in temperatures which will drop between 2 and 6° in the plains and between -4 and 2° in the Ardennes terrain. It is at the sea that it will be the least cold with around 6 to 8°.


An anticyclone will be in our regions in the morning and will shift towards Germany during the afternoon.

There will therefore be little wind and morning fog in the Ardennes but the day promises to be dry and relatively sunny although increasingly veiled by high altitude clouds at the end of the afternoon.

it will still be quite cold with maximums of 10 to 15° depending on the altitude.


A depression of oceanic origin will cross England heading towards the north-east.

The accompanying disturbed and rainy areas will approach the coastal region during the day and will then spread to all regions with a southwesterly wind which will increase in strength to blow with peaks of 55-75 km/h.

Note maximums between 12 and 17°.

Evolution for Tuesday and Wednesday

The depression will settle over southern Scandinavia and, due to its position, will direct an unstable northwesterly current over the country with showers again coming from the North Sea.

With the arrival of this new cold polar air, temperatures will drop again and will no longer exceed 9 to 15º depending on altitude.

Probable trend for next weekend

It is very likely that another anticyclone will settle in over Western Europe giving us dry and sunnier weather with daytime temperatures between 11 and 17° but with fairly cold nights.


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