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The Julie Taton saga continues before the Mons Court of Appeal: “We request that the irregularity of the decision to refuse domiciliation be noted”

The lawyers of the main interested party have, once again, detailed the facts, emphasizing “major problems with how things went”and highlighting the fact that on four occasions, the inspection visits of the domiciliation application by the police officers were carried out while the possible future candidate was absent, the first two times because she was attending the Te Deum on 21 July, and the following two times because she was on holiday, as evidenced by her social networks.

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This Wednesday morning, the appeal filed by Julie Taton against the decision taken on Friday by the Mons municipal council was examined before the 21st civil chamber of the Mons Court of Appeal. ©E. Brl.

“The whole issue, the heart of the question is not the domicile as such but the registration in the electoral register and therefore the possibility of standing in elections”say the lawyers, who have again recalled a series of elements according to which the administration should have, “to make an informed decision, collect all the information necessary to judge whether or not the applicant is a resident, which may require hearing the person if necessary.” Which, in this specific case, was not the case. “If the person concerned was not found at home on August 2, the search would have to continue until August 4, or even beyond.”

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The neighbourhood investigation carried out by the police zone was also criticised by the defence.Did the officers ring all the doorbells in the apartment building? Of course not. The doorbell was rung at the building on the left. Someone opened it. Did this person say that Julie Taton did not live there? No, she simply said that Mr. Bouchez used to live there. A second person answered the same thing, saying that Mr. Bouchez’s partner had come to collect some things. No one rang the other five doorbells in the same building.” And to conclude: “We ask you to note the irregularity of the decision to refuse domiciliation and to conclude that the voters’ register is irregular given the absence of Julie Taton’s name.”

At the time of writing, it is the defense of the city of Mons that has the floor.


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