President Maduro says he has “respect” for Gonzalez Urrutia’s “decision” to go into exile in Spain
DayFR Euro

President Maduro says he has “respect” for Gonzalez Urrutia’s “decision” to go into exile in Spain

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Monday that he had «respect» for the decision of his presidential rival, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, to request political asylum in Spain, where he arrived on Sunday. “I can tell Ambassador Gonzalez Urrutia in Madrid my respect for your decision. All my respect for the decision you have taken.”Nicolas Maduro said on state television, addressing his opponent who claims victory in the disputed presidential election on July 28. “I can tell Ambassador Gonzalez Urrutia, with whom I had a tough confrontation after July 29, that I have been attentive to all this and that I understand and respect the step he has taken.”he added.

President Maduro and government figures have frequently insulted Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, calling him a “coward”d’«assassin»of “fascist” or of“Filthy” (play on words with Immuno-Edmundo). “May everything go well on his path and in his new life. He can be sure that his wishes for peace and harmony for the country will be fulfilled. Peace will reign in Venezuela above all else.”Maduro said. Somewhat enigmatically, the president clarified: “I led this process (from the asylum of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia) collectively with a team, but personally, I have above all a word to respect agreements and keep the secrets that must be kept.”

Arrest warrant

Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia arrived in Spain on Sunday, assuring in an open letter that he had left for “that things change and to build a new stage for Venezuela. This decision is a gesture that reaches out to everyone (…) Only the policy of dialogue will allow us to find ourselves as compatriots.” Before leaving for Spain, Gonzalez Urrutia had ignored three summonses from the prosecutor’s office, believing that his appearance could have cost him his freedom. He had been the subject of an arrest warrant since September 2, with the prosecutor’s office having opened investigations for “disobedience to the laws”, “conspiracy” “usurpation of functions” et «sabotage».

Socialist President Nicolas Maduro, whose victory was validated on August 22 by the Venezuelan Supreme Court – considered to be at the beck and call of the government – was proclaimed the winner with 52% of the vote by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which has not, however, made public the minutes of the polling stations. According to the opposition, which has published the minutes provided by its scrutineers, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia obtained more than 60% of the vote. The repression of the spontaneous demonstrations that followed the announcement of Nicolas Maduro’s re-election left 27 dead and 192 injured. Some 2,400 people were arrested, according to official sources.


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