Putting coffee up your rectum is ‘as old as time’, says doctor
DayFR Euro

Putting coffee up your rectum is ‘as old as time’, says doctor

While it may seem like TikTok influencers have outdone themselves with this new trend of sticking coffee up your rectum, it turns out that the practice is nothing new.

• Also read: Influencers Put Coffee Up Their Rectums: How Bad Is That?

“Imagine that these practices of coffee enemas are as old as the world,” informs Dr.r Michaël Bensoussan, gastroenterologist at Charles-Le Moyne Hospital. “You know, all societies have been consuming coffee for thousands of years and the fact of consuming it in various ways has already been documented for a long time.”

But whether it’s new or old news, it’s no surprise to learn that giving yourself a coffee enema into your rectum can be dangerous.

“It is absolutely to be avoided,” the doctor even indicated during his interview on Mario Dumont’s show, late Friday morning. “There is obviously no proof in the scientific literature of any beneficial effect of consuming coffee intrarectally.”

He advises, however, that several medications, such as suppositories, are administered in this way since “this region of the anus and rectum is rich in vessels and very vascularized.”

So, by inserting coffee into the rectum, one will certainly have a caffeine effect, “but one does not take [de dose] “no more or less effectively than if we consumed coffee by mouth,” says Dr.r Bensoussan.

However, even if there are no benefits, the risks are very real: “First, when you look at what influencers do, they give themselves coffee enemas that contain two or three liters of coffee. So imagine the effects you’re going to have if you consume two or three liters of coffee by mouth. You can count on that you’re going to have at least these effects on the cardiovascular system.”

The harmful effects could be “an acceleration of the heart rate – the heart rhythm – an increase in blood pressure, so for that alone, it is not recommended.”

And since this practice is not controlled by a health professional, the enema could cause burns if the coffee is too hot or risks of hypothermia if it is not.

“Again, because it’s very vascularized, so the effect on the temperature of the circulating blood will be done quickly,” warns the guest. “It makes no sense or interest.”

See the interview of Dr Michaël Bensoussan in the video above.


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