The presenter had announced only two days ago that he would no longer interview political figures on his show on TMC.
“The former President of the Republic and MP for Corrèze is on “Quotidien” this evening”says Yann Barthès. A surprise for viewers to see François Hollande installed this Wednesday, September 4. Indeed, the presenter had announced “stop receiving politicians” in his show.
“Politicians have become inaudible and are rolling out their talking points on every set. I have in mind the interview I did this season with Manon Aubry. She started a sentence and I was able to finish it because I had heard her for a week. We prefer to decipher them without them,” had he justified to our colleagues The Sunday Tribune .
The exception is, for example, the release of a major book or the status of former head of state.
Yann Barthès in “Quotidien”
As if in anticipation of the criticism to come, Yann Barthès is keen to make “a clarification” before starting his interview. “I said in an interview that we would no longer receive politicians except in exceptional circumstances. The exception is, for example, the release of a major book, the status of a former head of state or former prime minister or a rare major figure in the media.”declared Yann Barthès before assuring François Hollande that he “check several boxes”The politician comes to present his book The challenge of governing, published by Perrin editions.
The former President of the Republic unsurprisingly comments on the dissolution of the National Assembly and the long delay observed by Emmanuel Macron to appoint a new Prime Minister. On Monday, François Hollande was also received at the Élysée, alongside Bernard Cazeneuve, Nicolas Sarkozy and Xavier Bertrand. GDP, reorganization of the left… So many current political topics that are discussed this evening on TMC. François Hollande’s book is indeed mentioned a few times. Yann Barthès kept his good resolution for two days.