Why students born in January do (significantly) better than those born in December

Why students born in January do (significantly) better than those born in December

DECRYPTION – An INSEE study confirms this already well-known statistical reality: during the first years of school, older students do better than the younger ones in the class. But this difference then persists throughout schooling.

A child’s astrological sign has an impact on their academic success: stated like this, this result seems very esoteric, and of course, unworthy of a serious INSEE study… And yet, it is proven. Finally, more precisely, it is of course not the sign of the Zodiac under the auspices of which the child is born that is taken into account, but more prosaically their month of birth, depending on whether it is rather the beginning or the end of the calendar year. Because the date of the start of the school year in CP is the same for all children born during the same calendar year, which means that mechanically, among the students in the same class, those born in January are practically a year older than those born in December.

However, INSEE confirms following several other statistical studies arriving at the same results, being younger than the other pupils in the class leads to a higher risk of having poor academic results, and this throughout schooling.

Also readPisa ranking: French students’ level plummets

This study published…

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