the gendarme decorated with the Legion of Honor posthumously

The national tribute ceremony for Éric Comyn concluded on Monday, September 2, with the presentation of several medals, including the Legion of Honor, posthumously.

Warrant Officer Éric Comyn was posthumously made a Knight of the Legion of Honour by Gérald Darmanin on Monday 2 September, during the national tribute paid to him in Nice.

The gendarme, killed during a refusal to comply in Mougins a week earlier, also received the military medal. Army General Bruno Jockers presented him with a third posthumous award: the National Gendarmerie Medal with bronze palm.

Finally, a final decoration was awarded by the resigning Minister of the Interior: the gold level internal security medal.

“Not a refusal to comply” but “a crime”

The national tribute ceremony was chaired by Gérald Darmanin. During a speech, the latter declared that the death of Éric Comyn was “not acceptable” and reiterated several times his “immense anger”.

We need to put things into words. French people, this is not a refusal to comply, it is a crime (…) This is not a news item, it is a social fact,” he said.

The resigning minister considers that this is a “refusal of the authority of the State, a refusal of France and of the law”.

The suspect accused of hitting the police officer was charged and placed in pre-trial detention on Wednesday, August 28. During his hearing, he stated that he had “unintentionally” hit Éric Comyn and had left the scene “in a panic”.


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