The emotional movement launched this Thursday in the deposits of Robermont, Jemeppe, Rocourt, Omal, Verlaine and Bassenge following the assault of drivers will continue on January 25 and 26.
Students are asked to make the necessary arrangements to try to reach their place of examination at the scheduled hours.
However, in such circumstances, the authorities asked teachers to be flexible in relation to possible delays, both for oral and written tests. The latecomers will therefore be admitted to the exam provided that no student who has learned of the issues have already left the examination room.
In view of these circumstances, it is possible that some of you find it difficult to join the place of their examination.
If you are in this case, it is essential to warn your appearance and the professor concerned within 24 hours by email.
Call for solidarity
In order to allow people usually moving by public transport to join the Uliège sites on Monday, We invite members of the university community to show solidarity.
If you plan to travel by car this Thursday, January 23, thanks for :
- Offer, in advance, your journeys on the Ugo platform
- Take charge, The members of the university community awaiting bus stops located near your route.
To help you, do not hesitate to use a destination sheet below To indicate the journey you offer/ask.
Destination sheets in PDF format (for printing) and in PowerPoint format (for modification).
-To share your journeys with Ugo:
Since 2015, the University of Liège has implemented a carpooling platform to pool car journeys between members of the university community, staff of the CHU de Liège, agents of the city and the CPAS of Liège, staff of the province of Liège and HEPL students.
Shared journeys are therefore exclusively done with people whose identity has been authenticated.
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