the PS will put migration policy “in the balance” to censor the government or not

the PS will put migration policy “in the balance” to censor the government or not
the PS will put migration policy “in the balance” to censor the government or not

The regularization of undocumented workers must remain “exceptional”. Bruno Retailleau asks the prefects to tighten the screw. The Minister of the Interior gives the instructions in a new circular applicable from Friday January 24. It calls into question the philosophy of the Valls circular which, for 13 years, has allowed prefectures to grant a residence permit to 30,000 people each year, for work or family reasons.

This reform marks the end of regularization “at arm's length”says Bruno Retailleau. The left has no shortage of qualifiers to denounce this circular. The PCF calls for the repeal of the circular and calls for a debate in Parliament, in a press release published Friday. The French Communist Party “sentenced” this circular which “constitutes a major setback in terms of labor law and the rights of foreigners in , which concerns us all”. For the communists, it risks “to increase the use of illegal work in our country”.

“Abject, absurd, affront to the values ​​of the Republic.” And the boss of environmentalist deputies Cyrielle Chatelain adds “hypocrisy”. “Not regularizing does not mean that people will suddenly disappear, but that we condemn them to clandestinity, and therefore “to precariousness”she warns. For the ecologist, the Minister of the Interior leads “an ideological crusade”. “I think that Bruno Retailleau, through his actions, his words, is a racist person and that he has no place in a government”she decides.

Green deputies ask François Bayrou to “reframe your irresponsible Interior”. “Without this, we consider that Bruno Retailleau’s line constitutes that of the government, and the latter will bear responsibility for an increasingly toxic political and social climate,” warn environmentalists. They denounce a “unacceptable drift”, “in the service of a xenophobic and ultra-reactionary cultural battle”.

“Let’s be clear: these provocations alone could justify a vote to censure the government.”

The elected environmentalists

at franceinfo


An opinion shared by Antoine Léaument. The rebellious MP calls on the parties which did not censor the Bayrou government after last week to do so next time. He thinks especially of the PS. “If we had fired him last week, it would not have written 'date of signature, January 23, 2025, of the Minister of the Interior', because he would no longer be there to write his rotten circular. “

“Not to censor is to be complicit with the government.”

Antoine Léaument, LFI deputy

at franceinfo

Accomplice of Bruno Retailleau? Certainly not, defends the spokesperson for the PS group in the Assembly, Arthur Delaporte. “If we had voted for censure last week, the government would still be in place. The National Rally would not have voted for censure,” recalls the chosen one. But he warns: migration policy like the budget “will be put in the balance” when the PS will have to decide for or against censorship.

Bruno Retailleau, for his part, does not intend to stop at this new circular. He plans another, this time to tighten the conditions of access to French nationality.



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