Discussions between the N-VA, the MR, the Engagés, Vooruit and the CD&V remain blocked on fiscal and socio-economic issues. The new note from trainer Bart De Wever, including a reduction in taxes, is causing great tension, particularly among socialists and centrists.
Last Friday, Bart De Wever presented negotiators with an updated version of his socio-economic note. This document, focused on taxation, pensions and employment, proposes a tax cut in addition to a tax shift.
The latest version provides for a shift of 5 to 6 billion euros, accompanied by a direct reduction in taxes of one billion euros. A notable revision, the initial versions mentioning amounts of 7 and 3 billion respectively. If the MR and the N-VA openly support this measure, it arouses revolt among Vooruit.
The consolidation of public finances must remain a priority
Already forced to accept concessions in terms of employment and pensions for budgetary reasons, the socialists categorically refuse everything “tax gift“They are calling for a tax on capital gains in order to guarantee a fair contribution, believing that a reduction in taxes would jeopardize social security.”No question of financing a tax reduction on the back of pensions or social benefits“, they insist in their ranks.
The cautious centrists
The Engagés and the CD&V, although more conciliatory, also express reservations. They defend the principle of solidarity and are opposed to a multiplication of concessions which would risk increasing the budget. “The consolidation of public finances must remain a priority“, they underline, while calling to avoid imbalances in the efforts required of citizens.
Faced with these blockages, the trainer opted for bilateral interviews on Sunday with party representatives, proof of the sensitivity of the subject. On Monday, negotiations resumed around thematic notes covering various areas (security, health, climate, etc.), while institutional discussions are planned for Tuesday.
Time is running out: the next report to the King is expected on January 31, and the parties had given themselves until the end of the month to reach an agreement. For the moment, this objective remains unchanged, but the differences remain deep.
Federal training political negotiations Belgium Bart de Wever socio-economic note Arizona coalition tax cut tax shift taxation Belgium tax reform pensions Belgium employment Belgium n-va mr vooruit CD&V les Engagés capital gains taxation