Carried out each year on the first Wednesday of February (in 2025, it will be February 5), the annual siren test will now be accompanied by a brand new TV spot. The result of a collaboration between the Federal Office for Civil Protection (OFPP) and the Army Digital Media Center (CMA), the film was produced in 2024 by the Zurich company Vaudeville Studios GmbH, selected following a call for competition.
The new TV spot was produced in order to meet current technical requirements in terms of video production and to replace the old spot in use since 2013. The objective was to offer a realistic and up-to-date representation highlighting the relevance testing sirens and presenting other alert methods such as the Alertswiss application, communicates the OFPP. Modern 3D animation and talking content aim to engage and raise awareness among the population.
The spot tells the story of a stylized mermaid who lives on a roof. The mermaid braves the elements throughout the seasons, until the first Wednesday in February, the day she enters the stage, where she gives the best of herself during her performance. The last part of the spot introduces the Alertswiss application as a complementary source of information.
The spot was produced in four languages, German, French, Italian and English, with corresponding subtitles, in order to reach as many people as possible. The film will be broadcast on television channels subject to the obligation to broadcast and can also be viewed on social networks as well as the OFPP website.