The headquarters of Global Aktion, a Danish NGO located in Copenhagen, proving to be pro-polisario, was ravaged by flames on Sunday January 12. The investigation, led by Danish police, quickly identified a potential culprit, a 19-year-old British boy, Danish media reported.
The investigation into the fire at the Global Aktion headquarters in Copenhagen has taken a new turn with the identification of a 19-year-old British suspect, presented as a gang member. Accused of serious arson, this young man is currently in detention, reported the Danish press.
Despite these advances, Global Aktion has not yet commented on recent developments. The NGO nevertheless sent a letter to the country’s Minister of Justice to obtain clarification on the investigation and criticized the lack of official condemnation of this attack against a legal entity.
The association interpreted this act as a direct attack on its commitment to human rights and against what it describes as ” Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara« .
-For their part, the media and representatives of the Polisario remain silent regarding the arrest of the suspect. However, the separatist militia initially accused Morocco of being at the origin of this disaster, a version relayed by several Algerian media.
« This attack is part of a systematic campaign led by Morocco to repress the Sahrawis. Now, these methods of repression are extending to international solidarity movements, as Morocco seeks to export its campaign of intimidation and violence beyond the borders of Western Sahara“, indicated Omar Mansour, representative of the Front in Europe.
At the same time, supporters of the ghost republic organized a sit-in in Denmark, demanding an end to what they call “the occupation of Western Sahara”. It should also be remembered that Global Aktion continues to oppose the Danish government’s support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for this region, expressed a few months ago.