Study confirms low acidity of Troilus

Study confirms low acidity of Troilus
Study confirms low acidity of Troilus

©Photo taken from the Troilus website.

Chibougamau, the closest town to the Troilus project.

Studies conducted as part of a collaboration between Coalia, the National Research Council of Canada, Lamont and the Minesite Drainage Assessment Group show that the main ore zones at the Troilus project site have low potential for acid rock drainage.

This phenomenon, by which certain minerals can generate acidic runoff when exposed to air and water, therefore seems of little concern for these areas.

Main findings

  • Low risk of acid mine drainage: Analysis of more than 158,000 rock samples demonstrated that the main ore zones at the Troilus site have a natural composition that neutralizes acidity. This inherent neutralization capability significantly reduces the likelihood of acidic runoff, helping to minimize the overall impact on the environment.

The reaction

“The results of this study conducted in collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada are revolutionary and demonstrate the neutralizing characteristics of the rock in the Troilus project areas,” said Vice-President, Environment and Permitting, Jacqueline Leroux.

“Waste rock and historical data from past mining have provided us with a wealth of information that we can use to improve our sustainable practices as we plan for the future of the project,” he said. she explained.

“Water quality is a top priority for Troilus and for First Nations stakeholders. The main conclusions of this study indicate that the rock of the Troilus site is not acid-generating and does not require additional treatment, which allows the environmental footprint of future exploitation to be minimized and mitigated. continued Mᵐᵉ Leroux.

“Besides the positive impact on the environment, this project could also help reduce future operating costs, since we will be able to use the waste rock for other infrastructure projects, such as road construction, and that a lining will not be necessary for the mine tailings park,” she concluded.

Extensive testing and forecast analysis

The study, supported by advanced testing such as acid generating potential determination and 3D modeling, assessed 89 rock samples and 13 leachate column subsamples from key areas.

The results revealed the presence of minerals capable of neutralizing potential acidity, thus confirming the low risk of acid rock drainage in the areas of the Troilus project located in -du-Québec.

  • Confirmation backed by years of monitoring
    The results and predictions of the study are validated by data collected over several years, both during the former operation and during the monitoring period which followed its closure.

  • Commitment to sustainability

The natural mineral composition of the Troilus project constitutes a favorable asset for sustainable development. These findings align with Troilus’ goals for environmental stewardship and reinforce its commitment to promoting responsible and environmentally friendly mining.



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