“They are simply men,” by Camille Kouchner – Libération

“They are simply men,” by Camille Kouchner – Libération



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As demonstrations take place this Saturday throughout France to denounce violence against women, the author of “La Familia Grande” supports Gisèle Pelicot’s fight in the trial against her ex-husband. And recalls that this reveals above all a fight of all women against patriarchal blindness.

Her name is Gisèle Pelicot.

She said: “I refuse to go behind closed doors.” She said: “Shame must change sides.”

Her name is Gisèle Pelicot.

As Lola Lafon wrote in Releasethe loudest echo should accompany the courage, conscience and generosity of this woman.

Her name is Gisèle Pelicot. She is 72 years old.

On September 2nd, before the criminal court of Vaucluse, the trial of 51 men opened who, I hope, will carry the shame of what they did to her for the rest of their lives. Fifty-one poor guys, including Dominique Pelicot, Gisèle’s husband for fifty years, “probably the biggest sexual predator of the last twenty years” in the eyes of their daughter, Caroline Darian.

Her name is Gisèle Pelicot.

And his children, their children, are also going through the worst.

Her name is Gisèle Pelicot.

Four years ago, her husband was arrested for filming up the skirts of supermarket customers. Since then, French police have found hundreds of films in his home of Gisèle, drugged and raped 92 times by men who rushed to their home.

From 2011 to 2020, Dominique Pelicot, this man, organized the rapes of his wife by other men. They are a worker, a teacher, a firefighter, a journalist, a student, a truck driver, a guard


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