SENEGAL-ECONOMY / The President of the Republic calls for the development of a law on economic sovereignty – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-ECONOMY / The President of the Republic calls for the development of a law on economic sovereignty – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-ECONOMY / The President of the Republic calls for the development of a law on economic sovereignty – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, June 26 (APS) – The President of the Republic asked the Prime Minister to work on the development of a law on economic sovereignty in order to “better protect companies in strategic sectors and give the government a right a more sustained look at the changes that may occur in the capital”, we learned from an official source.

Welcoming, Wednesday, in the Council of Ministers, the application of the reduction in the prices of certain current consumer products and services, the Head of State “noted the significant budgetary efforts made by the government to ensure this significant reduction ”.

According to the press release from the Council of Ministers, Bassirou Diomaye Faye asked the government to “continue consultations with all the economic actors involved, millers and shopkeepers in particular, with a view to rigorous application across all of the country, prices of approved products”.

The same source reports that the Head of State indicated to the Prime Minister “the need to accelerate the local processing of agricultural products through industrialization, the promotion of local consumption and the modernization of local commerce with shops and reference stores”.

It is also, according to the President of the Republic, “to set in motion a coherent policy of controlling the prices of consumer products with the recourse, in the short term, to the option of calls for tenders in this which mainly concerns the country’s supplies of essential food products and hydrocarbons.

For Bassirou Diomaye Faye, ”Senegal’s food sovereignty requires the revival of national industry which remains a priority for government action”. He believes that ”Senegal’s economic sovereignty must be based on the development of the national industrial potential and the densification of the industrial fabric into large, small and medium-sized industries”.

He asked the Prime Minister and the ministers in charge of Industry and the Economy to ”implement a national program of restructuring and rehabilitation of the industrial fabric”.




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