The Akhannouch team is a government of results (Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri)

The Akhannouch team is a government of results (Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri)
The Akhannouch team is a government of results (Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri)

The deputy and vice-president of the House of Representatives, Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri, vigorously defended the record of the current government in the face of criticism from its detractors. According to this member of the executive committee of Istiqlal Partydescribing this executive as a simple manager of current affairs is unjustified. During his appearance on the show “Info in front» from the Le Matin group, he highlighted the numerous initiatives undertaken by the current Executive, underlining the anchoring of the social state at the heart of public policies, in accordance with the recommendations contained in the new development model.

Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri noted in this sense that the Executive had focused throughout the last three years on all the files and projects likely to improve the lives of citizens, such as education, health, aid direct social security, health coverage for all categories, housing assistance, water stress and the relaunch of social dialogue, without forgetting the management of the consequences of Al Haouz earthquake.

According to him, the government has taken proactive measures which have made it possible to mitigate the impact of the various crises that the country is going through, in particular the shortage of water resources, the problem of inflation and the volatility of prices of raw materials on internationally, while facing long-standing structural challenges. Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri thus believes that the government was able to implement a holistic approach, combining economic, social and environmental reforms, in order to strengthen Morocco’s resilience in the face of various future shocks. Thus, the Executive was able to confront one of the worst droughts in the history of the Kingdom, by launching ambitious programs for water management, including seawater desalination projects and the construction of dams. and promoting efficient use of water in agriculture.

Significant achievements, but challenges remain

On the social level, the government has succeeded in ensuring complete social protection, thus allowing millions of citizens in the self-employed category to benefit from compulsory health insurance. In addition, recalls Mr. El Fassi Fihri, particular attention was paid to supporting families from poor classes. It is with this in mind that a direct aid program has been set up for families. This program, targeting around 3.5 million Moroccan families, representing more than 12 million beneficiaries, constitutes a major step forward, although it is still in its deployment phase.

These are all achievements that the guest of “L’Info en Face” was keen to highlight, emphasizing the positive impact of public policies carried out by the government on citizens at the territorial and local level. Abdelmajid El Fassi Fihri, however, stressed that the remainder of the mandate will be marked by major challenges that must be met. He cited, in this regard, the management of drought and the scarcity of water resources and the promotion of employment, particularly among young graduates of higher education, and the consolidation of the fundamentals of the national economy. .



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