“That the CRS are inside is a pretty amazing symbol” – Libération

“That the CRS are inside is a pretty amazing symbol” – Libération
“That the CRS are inside is a pretty amazing symbol” – Libération


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Delegations from all French sites gathered on Wednesday November 13 to denounce the closure of the and factories, while an extraordinary meeting of the Central Social and Economic Committee was being held. Unions denounce “industrial escape” through a relocation strategy

“Bibs” from all over gathered this Wednesday, November 13 at noon on the Place du 1er-Mai in Clermont-Ferrand, before marching towards the square of Michelin headquarters, Place des Carmes. The detonation of the firecrackers, the red of the smoke bombs and the cries of the demonstrators illustrate their anger at the announced closure of the Cholet and Vannes sites, which is causing great concern among all the group's employees in France. “The only thing that matters to managers is profits and dividends for shareholders, denounces a CGT leaflet. They don’t care if they break hundreds of lives and families.” These closures come after several site closures in Germany, the United States and China, in the name of a drop in production and competitiveness. “Despite these closures, Michelin remains flourishing: the group is targeting 3.4 billion euros in profits in 2024, a figure similar to that of 2022,” says Serge Allègre, federal secretary of the Fnic-CGT, the chemicals branch of the union. “Michelin has been preparing its industrial escape for years. He set up the same companies in Asia, Eastern Europe and South America.” “It is the example of ferocious capitalism: Michelin, far from being




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