Over the past few days, the partners have discussed at length the future of the city, both its opportunities and its difficulties. These discussions were conducted with deep mutual respect and in the best interests of the City. The three groups firstly share the desire to continue ambitious development of the Liège metropolis.
The commissioning of the tram at the start of 2025 opens up new perspectives in many areas. Mobility will be profoundly modified and calmed; the end of the work allows for a reappropriation of public spaces. The partners agree on the need for a comprehensive plan to revive the attractiveness of the City, after difficult years. Liège, the economic capital of Wallonia, must remain an attractive center generating well-being and wealth.
Financial problems
The three groups also discussed at length the financial viability of the Citywhich is currently threatened by the cost of pensions and by the underfunding of numerous services that the City provides for the benefit of a much larger population than those who live there. PS+, MR and Engagés absolutely want to establish a budgetary trajectory which will tend towards structural balance, so as to put an end to debt. This will require taking strong measures to reduce expenses and increase revenues. A new management plan will be drawn up in the first 9 months of 2025.
The partners also agreed on the identification of refinancing solutions which depend on the different levels of power, in terms of security (police and firefighters), support for social integration income, education or culture.
The majority pact also relies on a 10-axis programmatic basewhich will constitute the basis of the future municipal policy declaration, which will be presented at the beginning of 2025, in accordance with legal requirements.
Drug plan
In addition to the budgetary measures already mentioned, the partners are making the calming of public space a priority : the current drugs plan will be updated and amplified, in collaboration with all levels of power. The approach must be global and integrated and concern the 4 aspects: preventive, curative, health and repressive. The 3 groups are aware of the limits of the current federal legal framework and wish to change it to allow the police to put an end to behavior that harms the quality of life on our streets.
The common base for the three groups plans to provide responses to the significant social challenges facing our City. The partners intend to make the fight against all forms of poverty a priority, in all policies implemented by the City, and in particular in the area of housing and the fight against voluntarily unoccupied housing. In order to standardize policies, the President of the CPAS will exercise scabinal powers in the social field.
Finally, the partners wish to work on the offer a pleasant, peaceful living environment specific to the people of Liégeois. The preservation of green spaces is confirmed, as is the continuation of investments in active mobility and road safety. PS+, MR and Engagés are committed to defending the increase in the public transport offer, including structuring, and the fine service of all neighborhoods.
The future college
Regarding the composition of the Municipal College, it will be headed by the Mayor Willy DEMEYERwhose responsibilities will include the police, the transversal strategic plan, the budget and sport, and will include the following members:
1. Gilles FORETFirst Alderman, in charge of land use planning, town planning, green spaces and cleanliness;
2. Carine CLOTUCHEAlderwoman for Finance, Environment and Biodiversity, Heritage, and Gender Equality;
3. Roland LEONARDAlderman for works and real estate affairs
4. Maggy YERNAAlderwoman for housing, economic development and municipal personnel;
5. Elisabeth FRAIPONTAlderwoman for culture, public reading and the duty of memory;
6. Julie FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZAlderwoman for public education and intergenerational policies;
7. Fabrice DREZEAlderman for commercial and tourist attractiveness;
8. Benjamin HURARDAlderman of Civil Status, Early Childhood and Youth;
9. Jean-Paul BONJEANPresident of the CPAS
The majority pact will be submitted to the municipal council for a vote on December 2. Once the new college is installed, it will validate the detailed list of attributions. As provided for in the Code of Local Democracy, the Municipal Policy Declaration will be presented within 2 months following the installation of the new College. The College will present its transversal Strategic Plan accompanied by the new Management Plan within 9 months of its installation.