in the Macron camp there is an atmosphere of the end of the reign

INVESTIGATION – The supporters of the head of state still cannot digest his surprise dissolution, which plunged them into the unknown. To the point that some are already turning the page on Macronism.

Their detractors take great pleasure in continuing to nickname them “ the Mormons “. They were the close guard of candidate Emmanuel Macron in 2017, the architects of his surprise victory. Soldiers devoted body and soul to their leader, who joined the Elysian cabinet or ministries at the start of the first five-year term. In recent years, almost all of them have taken off, mainly by joining the private sector. Today, these supporters of the original epic observe from afar the earthquake caused by “their” president with his decision to dissolve the National Assembly. And like many French people, they oscillate between bewilderment and incomprehension.

I don’t recognize him anymorealarms one of these faithful from the beginning. I can understand the intellectual mechanics that leads to dissolution, its feeling of being hindered. But doing it now, on the eve of the Olympic Games, creates a monstrous mess and provides a platform for extremes. »…

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