in Germany, the AfD causes a new earthquake

DECRYPTION – The score of the far-right party, which came in first position in the eastern Länder of the country, reveals the fractures of reunification.

After the resounding return of the far right to the Bundestag during the 2017 legislative elections, Germany is shaken by a new thunderclap. With a score of 15.9%, in second position behind the conservatives of the CDU, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) outperforms all the parties in the coalition which runs the country, including the SPD of Olaf Scholz, which suffered a historic defeat (13.9%).

Still very far from the gates of power and the spectacular result of the RN in France, the shock is however particularly harsh in a country which remains marked by the “duty to remember”. The party, questioned for its links with the Kremlin, has not made its aggiornamento like other nationalist right groups in Europe, such as Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli D’Italia. On the contrary, the AfD is increasing racist provocations and cultivating nostalgia for the Thirde Reich.

The AfD’s score gave rise to real tussles on television sets during the…

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