The inhabitants of Olley, a small village in Lorraine, have decided to give themselves a funny name

The inhabitants of Olley, a small village in Lorraine, have decided to give themselves a funny name
The inhabitants of Olley, a small village in Lorraine, have decided to give themselves a funny name
Capture Google Maps The inhabitants of Olley, a small village in Lorraine, have decided to give themselves a funny name: “Les Culs brûlés”

Capture Google Maps

The inhabitants of Olley, a small village in Lorraine, have decided to give themselves a funny name: “Les Culs brûlés”

UNUSUAL – They could have become the “Olleysiens”, the “Ollois”, or the “Olleygeois”. But no. Asked to choose their name, the inhabitants of Olley, a small village in Meurthe-et-, opted for a much less ordinary kind.

As reported by Bleu this Sunday, November 3, the vote opened in town hall for several days produced a strange result. Once the municipal council has formally adopted the proposal and the prefecture has been informed of it, the 230 inhabitants of Olley will officially become the “Culs brûlés”.

They have in fact decided to make their nickname their official name, to the delight of the mayor. “ The weight of history won out. The residents were keen to take on this kindness with pride.”welcomes David Buono to local radio.

Something to also delight Anastacia and David, a couple recently settled in the village. “It’s quite original and it traces a bit of the history of Olley’s past”justifies the resident who told AFP that she had made this choice. “It’s a strength to be able to say that we are Burnt Asses, to say it proudly”adds her husband.

The nickname dates back several centuries, without we really knowing its origin. It could come from “atrocities committed by the Swedes during the Thirty Years’ War” (1618-1648) or the fact that the inhabitants, at one point in their history, “perhaps sold an oil that was not highly esteemed” in the sector, explains Kévin Goeuriot, historian of Lorraine, to AFP.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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