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Professor’s lawyer speaks of a “breakdown” and a “sadly banal” case – Libération

Professor’s lawyer speaks of a “breakdown” and a “sadly banal” case – Libération


According to lawyer Laurent Hazan, his client, who is the subject of a complaint by the victim’s parents, is “at the disposal of the courts” and should be “heard soon”, he said on Thursday, September 12.

A line of defense that leaves one wondering, to say the least. The lawyer for the teacher accused of hitting a 3-year-old girl in a Paris school sought to minimize the facts on Thursday evening, September 12: “It is an anecdotal matter, sadly banal in light of the reality of the working conditions of many teachers in this country.”declared master Laurent Hazan on the set of BFMTV. Recognizing all the same a “unfortunate gesture”the lawyer mentioned a “cracking”considering that the teacher “cracked under pressure”According to the rectorate quoted by France Info on Wednesday, the teacher, aged around fifty, mentioned “an overcrowded class – 26 students that morning – and a lively atmosphere.” Other teachers “may have similar gestures”, “It’s sadly banal”added the lawyer, who prides himself on having “defended teachers for more than fifteen years”.

A preliminary investigation was opened following a complaint filed by the little girl’s parents, a video showing a teacher hitting her violently on the back, in a nursery school in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. The filmed scene dates back to September 5, and other events, dating from the 3rd, the day after the start of the school year, are also denounced, according to the lawyer for the child’s family, Vanessa Edberg. The images of the events circulating on social networks have provoked strong indignation.

Defendant “a seasoned, respected civil servant with an impeccable career”Me Laurent Hazan affirmed that his client “can no longer work in peaceful conditions”. The teacher is “in a state of terrible shock” et “fears for her and her family”he developed, accusing the resigning Minister of National Education, Nicole Belloubet, of having “threw his civil servant to the wolves.”

Saying to himself “extremely shocked” On Tuesday, Nicole Belloubet announced on X on Monday evening that she had asked “the immediate initiation of disciplinary proceedings, with the immediate suspension of the professor.” The lawyer also clarified this Thursday that his client is “suspended for four months” as a precautionary measure, but that it will continue to be paid, and that it is held “at the disposal of justice” and should be “auditioned soon”.

Other former students and parents of students at the Frères Voisins school, where the events took place, also reported to Release violent acts that allegedly took place in the past. According to her lawyer, his client had been reported in 2012 for similar acts in the same school. “We are trying to bring out an old case”he denounced Wednesday to France Info the lawyer of the teacher, Laurent Hazan. According to him, his client had been the subject of a report in 2012 for similar facts in the same school, but which had not been the subject of any prosecution.


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