“The lost, the losers and the fearful”: who are the voters of the far right in Flanders?

Vlaams Belang is expected to win nearly 30% in the elections in Flanders on June 9. That would be unheard of. Vlaams Belang voters consider Belgium “as a historical error“. To try to understand them, Christophe Deborsu investigated for a year in the heart of the Flemish far right.

RTL info: Why were you interested in the Flemish far right?

Christophe Deborsu: Vlaams Belang is the party which, for the moment, is performing well in the polls. They are at 27.8 in Flanders, which is unheard of. Their previous record was 24.3% in 2004. Since then, they had fallen significantly, but now they are rising again and reaching scores that have not been seen since the war for a far-right party.

In addition, it is an independence party which weighs on public opinion in Flanders. We asked ourselves why Flanders is turning towards the extreme right? This question often comes up: how is it possible that such a rich region votes for a party like that? What we will try to answer in this documentary.

Did you already know this party before preparing this documentary?

Of course. I have been following this party since 1991, from the beginning. I am a political journalist and I have always been very interested in Flanders. I know the party well and I follow its evolution. For example, I was there during their electoral victory in 2009 for RTL info at the Londerzeel hotel. They came a long way, going from 5.8% to 18.6%.

How long did your immersion last? And how did you prepare?

It lasted a year in total. Of course, I did other things at the same time, but I followed their social media and their interviews… They even have an app. I have worked a lot on this subject, because understanding Vlaams Belang is crucial to understanding Flanders today. I have followed their evolution since their first breakthrough, when they reached 10% on “Black Sunday” (editor’s note: on November 24, 1991, the Vlaams Blok won 12 seats in the federal parliament). I also worked on them for my novel, so I really have a long experience with this part, it’s the fruit of my entire career.

Was it difficult to get in touch with them?

Yes, it’s not simple. For example, I was never able to make an appointment with Tom Van Grieken (editor’s note: the president of Vlaams Belang). I had to go to where he was and hope he would talk to me. It’s more difficult than with other parties.

Were you well received as a French-speaking journalist by Vlaams Belang?

I know the people in the party well because I covered a lot of topics about them, even the marches in the 90s against the French-speakers. The advantage is that I’m a little known in Flanders, so that’s also why I’m quite well received, they know who I am, and it helps that I speak Dutch, which is very important for them.

What will we discover in this documentary?

The documentary shows what this party really is, what its ideas are and who votes for it. I have also identified three main groups among their voters: the “lost” (hard-line racists and fascists), the “losers” (those in social and financial difficulty) and the “fearful” (those who are afraid of lose their status). We also meet their leaders who are from a new generation, who are well-dressed people, who speak extremely well, with fine diplomas and educated, which makes them more dangerous, because more attractive.

How do they react to accusations of xenophobia and racism?

They always play on two levels, they will always say white and then gray. They will say something extreme, then put it into perspective by saying that it was humor or that they were misunderstood. They know how to manipulate their message to appeal to a wide audience.

How are they defined in the history of Belgium?

They see themselves as the ones who will put an end to Belgium, it’s as simple as that. They want the independence of Flanders and consider Belgium a historical error. They even have a five-year plan to achieve independence.

Have you learned anything new despite your already in-depth knowledge of the party?

I realized how they were even more effective than I thought, especially on social media and with young people. It really is a well-oiled machine that is frightening in its efficiency.

How would you summarize this party?

It is a completely far-right party that excludes French-speakers and immigrants. They have managed to modernize their communication and be very effective on social networks, particularly among young people. It is a much more dangerous party than 15 or 20 years ago.

Should we be afraid of this party in view of the next elections?

Yes, we should be concerned about their progress. At the same time, I think I’m very optimistic, in 2024 they probably won’t be in power. It’s especially 2029 that scares me, because it could be different. This is a worrying global development.

Watch the documentary “Are the Flemings far-right?” in Dossiers taboos, this Friday evening at 7:55 p.m. on RTL tvi and RTL play.

vlaams belang christophe deborsu Taboo files



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