Wholemeal bread is actually worse than white bread

When it comes to nutrition, there seem to be several schools, some contradictions and many assumptions. Starting with the superiority of wholemeal bread over white bread, considered better for your health.

Biased official recommendations

Difficult to see a semblance of truth as the information proves contradictory in matters ofhealthy food. If a few years ago, cow’s milk was praised, today, products dairy are clearly no longer our “friends for life”. Same for wheat flour and gluten which it contains in excess.

But if these dietary advice constantly contradict themselves, it is also because most nutritionists are a few years behind the recent scientific discoveries. Let us add to this official recommendations not taking into account the specificities of each and fiercely active lobbies.

According to Xavier Bazinscience journalist and author of the best-selling Big Pharma unmaskedthe current official recommendations are completely biased:

The so-called official recommendations are primarily intended for people who have the worst diets, those who therefore risk contracting the most serious diseases.

So, obviously, for those who eat chips, cold meats, meat and biscuits, consuming fresh cow’s milk yogurt will be considered a true progress ; but for whoever takes taking care of your health for many years while respecting a diet based onunprocessed or treated plant foodsregular consumption of dairy products will not have the same effect…

Credits: AmnajKhetsamtip/iStock

Why would wholemeal bread be preferable to white bread?

Certainly wholemeal bread has the advantage of containing more fiber, vitamins, magnesium and potassium than white breadbut its nutritional contributions are however minimal. Because even while consuming 100 grammes of wholemeal bread per day, it turns out to be impossible to reach the quarter of the recommended fiber intake. The same goes for potassium, magnesium and vitamins.

Bread, in all its forms, has very few nutritional qualities

Whether white or wholemeal, the bread would have very few qualities, rich in sugars considered “fast”. And for good reason: its glycemic index (GI) is around 70, the same as that of white sugar. Despite its better reputation, the pain complet is no exception to the rule.

According to a recent study carried out among diabetics, wholemeal flour causes elevated blood sugar as important as white flour, leading to a insulin peak and by extension, a hypoglycemia and its famous symptoms: fatigue, irrepressible desire to eat sweets, etc.

Ces fast sugars contained in breadwhether made with white or wholemeal flour, only has the effect ofaccelerate cellular agingor even trigger certain diseases such as diabetes.

Credits: Mariana Kurnyk/Pexels

Wholemeal bread contains as much gluten as white bread

The flour complete would contain as much gluten as flour blanche. And this substance, less and less tolerated by ordinary mortals, has the effect, in the long term, ofdamage the lining of the intestinecausing fatigue and troubles digestive more or less painful.

According to the results of another studygliadin, a protein contained in gluten, would increase the permeability of the intestine, risking endangering it, just like the immune system.

Why wholemeal bread is less healthy than white bread

If so far white and wholemeal bread did not stand out in terms of qualities nutritionalit is different for their chemical content. When it does not come from organic farming, wholemeal bread would contain many more pesticides as his sidekick.

Unlike the white flour which contains only the central layer of the wheat grain (the endosperm), the flour complete contains the sonthe stretching and theendosperme. The problem is that wheat bran is much more exposed to propagation des pesticides since it is its outer envelope, the inputs are concentrated there.

wheat bran outer covering cereal
Wheat bran – Credits: Michelle Lee Photography/iStock

Wholemeal flour contains more phytic acid and acrylamide than white flour

Like the vast majority of cereals, wheat contains phytic acid in quantityconcentrated in the sound. Although natural, this acid, when ingested regularly and in excess, hinders the proper absorption of several essential minerals (notably zinc, but also iron, calcium and magnesium).

Wholemeal bread also contains more acrylamide than white bread, substance carcinogenic considered by theOMS as presenting a major risk to human healthand part of the list of extremely dangerous substances of theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Prefer organic sourdough bread

SO, which bread to choose when you don’t want to stop using it permanently? Specialists recommend opting for breads with ancient flours from organic farming et made with sourdoughnatural bacteria which somewhat reduce its glycemic index.

fresh organic wholemeal sourdough bread
Credits: AND-ONE/iStock

Another aspect that is often overlooked is bread processing methods, particularly baking. The temperature at which bread is baked plays a crucial role in the formation of potentially harmful substances like acrylamide. High cooking temperatures, particularly when making industrial breads, can increase the production of this toxic substance. In addition, breads cooked quickly at high temperatures see their nutritional qualities deteriorate further. In contrast, a slower baking process, such as that used in making sourdough breads, not only better retains nutrients but also reduces harmful compounds.



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