Reactions to the decree on school secularism in Senegal

Reactions to the decree on school secularism in Senegal
Reactions to the decree on school secularism in Senegal

Abdou Nar Dia

Oct. 11 2024 at 08:20

The Coalition of Synergistic Organizations for the Defense of Education (Cosydep) reacted positively to Order No. 024 830 published by the Minister of National Education of Senegal. This decree sets the principles of the internal regulations of educational establishments. Cosydep praised the country’s “proven model of secularism”.

After an analysis of the decree, Cosydep appreciated the reference to texts which guarantee inclusive education, free access to school for all children, and student safety. She also underlined the importance of school as a place of national cohesion and mutual understanding. According to Cosydep, internal regulations must be based on local realities while respecting higher laws.

The Cosydep press release, signed by Cheikh Mbow, underlines that Senegal is a model of secularism to be valued. The organization is concerned about the public debate surrounding the wearing of the veil at school. She recommends dialogue between schools and stakeholders to address these sensitive issues.

Cosydep suggests supporting school management committees in the development of inclusive internal regulations, and encouraging the completion of the start of the school year and the integration of children excluded from the education system. She emphasizes the importance of strengthening public education provision to meet parents’ expectations.

Remember that the decree requires establishments to accept religious symbols such as the veil or the cross, provided that they do not compromise the identification of students.



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