Tense exchange between Pierre Locht and the Standard supporters: “My role is to ask you to let the match begin” (LIVE)

Standard: strong actions from the Ultras to prevent the match against Westerlo from taking place?

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6:50 p.m.: Pierre Locht took a megaphone to the other side of the Academy gate

The CEO says. “You have seen the articles in the press, changes are underway. There will be a new Standard. I understand your action but my role is to ask you to let the match begin“. Right after the fans booed and chanted. “The Standard is us!”

One fan said there was no way the match would be played. Some fans are even saying that no more games will be played at home this season.

Fergal Harkin was present next to Locht but only Locht spoke.

– 6:36 p.m.: A Standard supporter takes a megaphone to say that there would be no match this evening

– 5:40 p.m. : ebetween 200 and 300 supporters are already present at the Academy

Standard supporters, present en masse before the match against Westerlo. ©IPM

The gates of the Standard training center are still closed and fans continue to trickle in. Their goal is to prevent the players from leaving the Academy and going to the stadium for tonight’s match.

Why 777 Partners is moving away from Standard

– 4:50 p.m. : supporters unfurl banners against 777

Liège supporters want to see 777 leave Sclessin. ©IPM
Liège supporters want to see 777 leave Sclessin.
Liège supporters want to see 777 leave Sclessin. ©IPM
Liège supporters want to see 777 leave Sclessin.
Liège supporters want to see 777 leave Sclessin. ©IPM


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