“We must not make a saint of him either”: An actress from Les Bronzés speaks about the gray areas of Michel Blanc

“We must not make a saint of him either”: An actress from Les Bronzés speaks about the gray areas of Michel Blanc
“We must not make a saint of him either”: An actress from Les Bronzés speaks about the gray areas of Michel Blanc

Eternal Jean-Claude Dusse in The Bronzeda major actor in comedic cinema in the 1980s before moving towards dramatic roles and a career as a director, Michel Blanc died at the age of 72, on the night of Thursday to Friday, sparking a torrent of reactions. The actor, who saw himself as an “anxious clown”, had a heart attack and was transported to a Parisian hospital where he died, his entourage told AFP. “Michel Blanc developed angioedema around 2 p.m. in a radiology office in the 14th arrondissement as part of a routine examination. He was quickly taken care of by the Samu, resuscitated and transferred to Saint-Antoine. He died at 10:45 p.m. after his 6th cardiac arrest. (Medical source)“, said Laurent Valdiguié, journalist from Marianne, a little later on his X account. Details provided while false information was circulating on the death of Michel Blanc.

Tributes from the Splendid and Bronzés troupe to Michel Blanc

Damn, Michel… What have you done to us…“, reacted on Instagram Gérard Jugnot, his accomplice from the Splendid comedy troupe. On RTL, the latter mentioned “anaphylactic shock, an allergy to a medication” after a routine medical examination, which Michel Blanc’s entourage confirmed to AFP. “Michel my friend, my brother, my partner“, commented Josiane Balasko, also a member of this café-theater troupe who guided them towards success with The Bronzed, bringing the character of Jean-Claude Dusse, his “misunderstandings” and his lame flirting plans into the legend.

With one voice”all the ex-actors of Splendid, including Christian Clavier and Thierry Lhermitte, expressed their “immense pain”thanked “warmly testimonies of support and friendship“and called to”respect (their) silence“. Josiane Balasko in Chalet-Saint-Denis (Switzerland) and Marie-Anne Chazel, another member of the troupe, in , each dedicated the play in which they played on Friday evening to their friend, we learned from their surroundings.

Dominique Lavanant “in shock” at the death of Michel Blanc

For his part, Dominique Lavanant chose to speak to the Telegram, in the October 5, 2024 edition of the regional daily. The 80-year-old actress born in Morlaix, who played in numerous films with Michel Blanc including The Bronzed 1,2 and 3 (the first part is broadcast this evening on TF1 in tribute to Michel Blanc), said he was in shock at the announcement of his disappearance. “I can’t believe it and I still don’t understand. I’m in shock. I’m lost, she said. Michel wasn’t sick, even though he had a heart murmur since I’ve known him. Death scared him so much. I have rarely seen anyone feel such fear of death. But there, he died in the arms of his partner with whom he was emotionally happy and that’s already a lot.“, confided Dominique Lavanant in particular, referring to Ramatoulaye Diop, Michel Blanc’s partner.

Michel Blanc “didn’t like himself very much”, especially because of his physique

During this interview, the actress also chose to discuss the late actor’s gray areas…”Michel also sometimes had his faults. We shouldn’t make a saint of him either, she smiles.“, write our colleagues from Telegram. He loved himself a lot without really loving himself, she added. He loved himself in front of others but we could see, through the way he spoke to us, that he didn’t love himself very much.“, added Dominique Lavanant, for whom it is certain that the physique was at the origin of this difficult self-acceptance. “I think his physique caused him some problems, but that was no longer the case since he was madly in love.“, she shared. “He was a character with a physique that was not Delon but he was so intelligent, full of humor, curious and so demanding, both with himself and with others“, she added afterwards.

And if Michel Blanc didn’t like himself very much, the public adored him…



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