In Geneva, a suspicion of water contamination turns into chaos

In Geneva, a suspicion of water contamination turns into chaos
In Geneva, a suspicion of water contamination turns into chaos

Published on September 30, 2024 at 7:15 p.m. / Modified on September 30, 2024 at 7:16 p.m.

The rupture of a water pipe occurs at night and it causes mismanagement in the Republic. This is how we could summarize the feeling of the municipalities concerned after Sunday’s incident on a Geneva Industrial Services (SIG) pipeline which raised fears of contamination. “It is the failure of an opulent system, without an articulated vision,” denounces the mayor of Thônex, Bruno da Silva. The canton wants to centralize everything but ultimately it is up to us, people on the ground, to manage, even though we do not have the prerogatives for that.”

At 3:45 a.m. Sunday morning, a large-caliber pipe broke near Eaux-Vives beach, causing a depression in the network. The SIG picket teams go to the site, cut the valves, dig to find the pipe. In the morning, there is concern that bacteria in the air may have mixed with the water. The scale of the potential damage is unprecedented, since nine municipalities on the Left Bank are affected: Thônex, Vandoeuvres, Choulex, Corsier, Collonge-Bellerive, Hermance, Anières, Puplinge and Cologny, or some 40,000 people.

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