the deletion of this information penalizes employees

the deletion of this information penalizes employees
Descriptive text here

Currently, the pay slip has around fifty lines. A figure which is significantly above those of ’s neighboring countries. To make life easier for employees, the government wants to simplify these documents by removing several lines. However, certain information could penalize workers if it were deleted.

On April 24, the government proposed a new bill to the Council of Ministers. Via the latter, it is the simplification of the pay slip which is aimed. It must be said that this document of around fifty lines can sometimes be difficult to decipher for employees.

Especially since, compared to our European neighbors, the pay slips of French workers are among the busiest on the Old Continent. In Germany and Spain, for example, pay slips have only 15 lines.

In this regard, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, made a proposal for what the new pay slip for French employees could look like. A model that he revealed on his X account.

We want to simplify the pay slip to improve its readability. My proposal is to go from more than 50 lines to around fifteen », wrote Bruno Le Maire. However, this new pay slip model does not seem to be unanimously accepted.

A new pay slip that divides

In question, the information concerning reimbursements is no longer indicated there. Consequently, with this new pay slip, the employee will no longer be able to know if the number of restaurant vouchers he received is the correct one or if his employer has covered his transport costs.

To have all this information, the employee will have to request it each month from the human resources department of their company, which can prove disabling for workers who had all this information mentioned on the old pay slip.

In addition to reimbursements, the new pay slip unveiled by Bruno Le Maire also sees the end of the “social contributions” box. This contained information, such as the pension fund contribution and the CSG.

Contacted by the JDN, the Bercy press service wanted to reassure employees by affirming that this new pay slip model unveiled by Bruno Le Maire is only a “ first proposal for drastic reduction ” and ” the details will be discussed with the social partners quickly “.



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