Morocco participates in the special meeting of the World Economic Forum in Riyadh

There Moroccan delegation participant in this two-day forum includes the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Zakaria Hachlafthe director of communications, international cooperation and partnerships at Ministry of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Policies, Zakaria Farahatand the general director of the Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC), Imane Belmaati.

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This high-level meeting demonstrates the importance that the Morocco grants, under the wise guidance of His Majesty King Mohammed VIto international dialogues and to the global cooperation for a more sustainable economic and environmental future.

The city of Riyadh will host the special meeting of the WEFconsidered a first of its kind for the forumwith the presence and participation of 1000 Heads of State And policy makers from different countries around the world, senior officialsofinternational expertsof opinion leaders and of thinkersfrom the public and private sectors,International organisations and D’academic institutions.

Participants will discuss various issues and developments inMondial economywith the aim of finding common solutions and identifying the human, climatic and economic challengeswith the meeting being a unique opportunity for decision-makers from around the world to find common ground between the different parties.

The special WEF meeting will include several dialogues and debates aimed at strengthening international cooperation efforts and boosting joint efforts to create lasting solutions.

The special meeting sessions will focus on a number of important topics, including international cooperationthere growth and theenergy for the development in order to raise the economic and geopolitical challenges and to encourage new partnerships.

On the sidelines of the forum, the Kingdom will host a series of exhibitions and side events to shed light on the latest trends and developments in a number of important areas, including sustainabilityL’innovation and the culture.



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