The Paris ring road will increase to 50 km/h on October 1, announces Anne Hidalgo

The Paris ring road will increase to 50 km/h on October 1, announces Anne Hidalgo

On RTL, the mayor of Paris announced that the speed of users on the Paris ring road will be reduced from October 1st. To the great displeasure of the opposition, who point out the fact that the ring road is used by 80% of non-Parisians.

The speed limit on the Paris ring road will increase to 50 km/h on October 1 compared to 70 km/h currently announced the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, on RTL this Monday, September 9. This policy is defended by the mayor as a « public health measure for the 500,000 people who live near it », she declared at the end of August to the newspaper Ouest France. Objectives, according to the city’s climate plan: reduce nuisances for residents living near the ring road and reduce air pollution.

The measure, already announced in November 2023 by Anne Hidalgo – who also wants to reserve one of the ring road lanes for carpooling – has been the subject of numerous exchanges of words between the town hall and the government for months.

80% of non-Parisians on the ring road

According to municipal officials, the city of Paris is competent in this matter, since the town hall can, « within the scope of its police powers, reduce speed on the grounds of safety or the environment »said Emmanuel Grégoire, first deputy mayor of Paris, in December. To the great displeasure of the detractors of such a project, who were calling for consultation. « We will not validate (this) decision »declared Clément Beaune, then Minister of Transport, at the end of 2023, considering this measure as « premature ». « Decisions like this require state validation. », he pleaded, requesting the implementation of an impact study and consultation with the region and the departments.

His successor, Patrice Vergriete, had called on Anne Hidalgo last May not to « stigmatize people who are forced to take their car ». « The ring road accommodates 80 % of non-Parisians »he added. This axis, one of the main urban axes in Europe, is used every day by 1.2 million vehicles, 80% of which travel with a single occupant, the driver.

Valérie Pécresse, president (Libres!) of the Île-de-France region, had also criticised such a speed limit. « Once again, we are penalizing people from the Paris region who work late or get up early because they come from far away. »had at the time criticized in the columns of the Figaro the regional president, who asked the government to regain competence in this matter.

Skills shared with the State

Concretely, since 2017, the Paris city hall has had jurisdiction over the speed of the Paris ring road, specifies the lawyer specializing in road law Me Eric Josseaume. But the Paris police prefect, Laurent Nuñez, could also play the role of arbiter in the application of such a measure. In May, the latter thus mentioned « jurisprudence »who, in the past, considered that the prefect could establish requirements in this matter. But he also conceded: « The speed is set by a decree in the Council of State. We discussed it with the mayor of Paris, with the services. From this point of view, it would seem that it is a competence of the city. »

Two problems arise regarding the implementation of this measure, continues Éric Josseaume. « It is the State that decides on the updating of the maximum speed for radars, he argues. If the police prefect decided to block this decision, he might not update it. »

Furthermore, police checks are carried out under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior, and therefore of the prefect. « If no control is placed on the device, users will not pay any attention to this measure. »warns the criminal lawyer, who summarizes: « It is as if there were a law, but without an implementing decree. » Especially since the lawyer also anticipates challenges from the police prefect and appeals from road user associations.


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