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“That’s my mistake”: Inès Reg’s regrets about her argument with Natasha St-Pier

The clash between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier is still on everyone’s minds. Last March the 13e season of Dance with the stars generated a huge buzz that had nothing to do with a wild choreography. Due to a disagreement that broke out during rehearsals for a prime, Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier publicly settled their score on social networks. The comedian accused the singer of having insulted her as a “little slut”, while the Quebecer assured that it was a joke. The future winner of VALLEYjust like her dancer Anthony Colette, has also filed a complaint against Inès Reg, whom she accuses of a threatening attitude. Despite these adventures, the duo managed to win this season of VALLEY.

If I had never talked about it, it would have slipped

A few months later, Inès Reg returned to this story without filter during an interview with the media Species on TikTok. The actress currently starring in the film The Infallibles with her ex-husband Kevin Debonne on Prime Video believes that she could have handled the matter differently: “I think that if I had never talked about it, it would have slipped. I talked about it because I was starting to receive a lot of death threats and the like, because it had started to feature some crazy stuff.

I participated in my bad buzz

From the moment I talk about it, I make it a subject.“, continues Inès Reg, who seems to feel regrets.”While as long as I didn’t talk about it and it was only in the media, that I didn’t calculate this group of people who insulted me, I think it could have slipped. That’s where my mistake is. I think I participated in my bad buzz. Frankly, I could have done without it anyway.


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