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Slimane, delighted with his collaboration with Lara Fabian: “A joy”

Last year, Slimane crossed paths with Lara Fabian on the jury of The Voice Kid. A decisive meeting. Since at the time of writing these lines, they have already released a successful title: Your pain. Faced with the public’s enthusiasm, the artist decided to lend a hand on his entire album, to be released in the coming months.

But it must be recognized that at the same time, Slimane has multiplied projects. First there was his tour, very dense across France. But also his participation in Eurovision. Where he managed to reach 4th place, with his piece My love. This experience allowed him to gain significant notoriety abroad, and to plan numerous international concerts. To make a point, Esméralda’s dad took out his phone to speak directly to his fans…

Slimane: a promising agenda!

Without dwelling too much on his personal life, the singer first assured that he was doing very well. Very quickly, he chose to mention his work with Lara Fabian. And for good reason: Slimane is in awe of this star and his talent.

“Everything is fine with me. (…) Studio for Lara. We make the album, we finish. (…) It’s so good, I’m so happy. I am so happy and proud to participate in this project. And to have met an artist and a woman as exceptional as Lara. Frankly, it’s a joy. »

But the singer’s audience can rest assured: he’s already getting ready to go back on stage.

“The festival tour is about to begin. So that’s so cool! »

In addition, Slimane must also start working on his planned international dates.

“We are also preparing, even if it is a long time away, the international tour [NDLR : la tournée internationale]. »

We also know that the artist prepares a surprise. But he refuses to say more for the moment.

“I have some big news, which I’m going to announce to you in the near future. (…) Something important is coming (…) which also requires a lot of work.”

To be continued!

Instagram @slimane

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