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a leading candidate announces that she is suffering from cancer again

By Clémence T

– Published on June 21, 2024 at 5:18 p.m.modified on June 21, 2024 at 5:33 p.m.

Upset, an emblematic candidate of Secret Story has just announced bad news and not the least since she has breast cancer.

It was in 2011 that the public met Sabrina Perquis. By joining the cast of season 5 of Secret Story alongside Ayem and Marie Garet, the young woman tries to defend her secret “I live with someone else’s lung”. Quickly falling back into anonymity after her time in the game signed TF1, Sabrina nevertheless remained very active on social networks where she shares everything about her life. Including his health problems.

Sabrina Perquis (Secret Story) already affected by thyroid cancer

Because in fact, one day in August 2023, the 24th to be precise, Sabrina Perquis announced to her subscribers that she had thyroid cancer. “On July 3, I was going to have my lungs checked as I do regularly. At the end of the consultation everything was ‘ok’. My pneumo then wished me a great summer with a big smile”, she began. But the life of the ex-candidate took a real turn when she learned of her illness. “15 minutes later, I was going to do a thyroid echo at the request of my diabetic who had felt something on palpation without talking to me too much about it (so as not to worry)”.

“After 48 hours, the diagnosis was confirmed and everything happened very quickly: the appointments, the exams, the meeting with the surgeon, the upheaval of the treatments, the discussions with my pulmonologists. It’s cancer good prognosis which is curable in 90% of cases and believe me, I appreciate how lucky I am, because apart from a new scar and additional treatment to take for life, my femininity should not be too impacted”.

Former Secret Story contestant now suffers from breast cancer

It took Sabrina Perquis several months of treatment before she finally saw the end of the tunnel and beat thyroid cancer. But his joy was quickly swept away by new anxiety. And not the least since the one who recently spoke about Ayem’s behavior has just announced that she must face the illness again. “On May 21, after 10 months of treatment for thyroid cancer, I learned with immense joy of my victory and the end of this battle. Only five days later, I discovered a lump in my breastrequiring a new mammogram then a biopsy”she remembers in a long Instagram post accompanied by several photos in the hospital.

Sabrina Perquis: “I needed to talk about it”

This new fight against illness? Sabrina didn’t plan to keep it for herself. “I am at the very beginning of a new battle, against breast cancer this time, and I had need to talk about it, to free myself from this weight. Not hiding, not pretending to be strong while keeping everything to myself, It was too heavy to carry.”. Unfailing honesty widely praised by the Internet. And if the young woman is certainly surrounded by a wonderful medical team, she can also count on the precious support of her subscribers, who are always there for her.


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