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“You’re not doing your job!” : Sébastien Chenu (RN) violently attacks the “C à vous” teams, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine reframes him

The atmosphere was electric this Monday June 17 on the set of C to you. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her columnists received National Rally spokesperson Sébastien Chenu. And the one who is also vice-president of the party did not appreciate certain images broadcast during the program.

Journalist Lorrain Sénéchal returned to the weekend’s demonstrations against the far-right in Paris and other large cities. And Sébastien Chenu took the liberty of commenting on this sequence. “I note that you showed sympathetic images of the demonstration of the left and the far left last weekend with ladies who said: ‘For the program, we will see later’, ‘We will argue more late…”, I noted “first emphasizes the spokesperson.

“You don’t mind?!” », Sébastien Chenu loses his temper against a journalist

Sébastien Chenu, however, criticizes a lack of completeness on the part of journalists. “But you have not spoken about the appalling comments that were made during these protests. Some said “A dead cop is one vote less for the RN. » You don’t say it?! Doesn’t that bother you?! », he gets carried away in front of Lorrain Sénéchal.

The politician then regrets that the light is not shed on the voters of the National Rally who are “treated with all the words”. Just like on the people participating in Prides and who vote RN, “who are taken to task and insulted”.

“A trial of intent” according to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine

“You honestly have to be balanced in your approach. I see you are not. You are not objective. You are not doing your job! Your job is to say everything. Say what you see »then protests Sébastien Chenu.

Faced with attacks on her teams, notably Lorrain Sénéchal then Patrick Cohen, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine was forced to react. ” Yes Yes, we are doing our job completely. Everything was mentioned. […] You are accusing us of intentions”assures the presenter of C to you.

The exchange then continued with just as much tension between the guest and the show team. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine also tried to relaunch the debate with a very appropriate question: “How can we calm the climate which is already extremely tense? »


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