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Kendji Girac: this big change, very intrusive for his family since the beginning of the affair

Kendji Girac’s crazy gesture would have had consequences on those close to him. On the night of April 21 to 22, the singer was seriously injured in Biscarosse by shooting himself in the chest. A crazy gesture from the singer, who would have wanted to “simulate his suicide” to scare his partner Soraya, the mother of his daughter. A thesis put forward by the public prosecutor but refuted by the young woman. At Parisianshe confided that Kendji Girac was “in a bad way” for many months.

But according to her, the singer never wanted to blackmail her into suicide. “He is shocked to have inflicted so much harm on himself”, assured Soraya. A statement that medical experts should verify. Because according to The New Detective in fact, Eva Alba’s mother has “recently passed psychological analyzes”. The goal ? “Determine if she suffered from post-traumatic stress or any other after-effects”
after his companion’s shot.

The singer’s family would be protected

Like her, the other people close to Kendji Girac have seen their lives turned upside down since that night. According to our colleagues, in fact, the Security around the singer’s family has been greatly increased. Bodyguards would be tasked with protecting them while their homes would be monitored. After Kendji Girac’s shot, those close to him will also have to digest.
“I still almost lost him, and my daughter almost lost her father”confided Soraya to Le Parisien.

“He could have died or been paralyzed. It’s miraculous that he’s alive, summed up Kendji Girac’s companion.
It will take time, but I am confident we will overcome this ordeal.” Not “angry” against Kendji Girac, she “was very scared”has been “in shock”, “stressed” And “in incomprehension”. After being hospitalized, Kendji Girac was able to return home. And begin a convalescence which will take time. “He is going through this ordeal with enormous strength, both psychological and physical”she added.

Kendji Girac: “I take care of myself”

On May 10, Kendji Girac broke his silence for the first time since that night which could have been fatal to him. He then celebrated the 10th anniversary of his victory on The Voice. “I wanted, on this special day that changed my life, to apologize to all of you because I know all the pain and worry I may have caused youhe wrote. I thank you for the unfailing love that you have given me for 10 years now and that you have continued to give me since the tragedy, you give me so much strength.”

Following his message, the young artist gave his news. And made a promise to his many fans who were worried about him after his action. “I’m healing myself, I’m resting to come back even stronger thanks to you and I want to leave this
period of my life behind me
, assured Kendji Girac. And to conclude on an optimistic note. “Today, I move forward and I will do everything to live up to your support and trust. I thank heaven that I’m alivehe added. Thank you Lord. I love you.”


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