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Very moved, Cindy Van der Auwera (Large Families) reveals why she did not file a complaint after the poisoning of her animals

After announcing that they were moving to the Eastern Pyrenees and that they wanted to take over a campsite, Cindy and Sébastien Van der Auwera revealed the father’s new professional project linked to the loss of their animals.

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A real shock. Last September, the Van der Auwera family, made up of Cindy, Sébastien and their eleven children, learned that the mother had a brain tumor. Two months later, and while they were still digesting this information, the thirteen members of the family lost a large part of their animals, an essential element to their life, as they already said in their portrait for the program Large families: life in XXL, by which they made themselves known. Becoming fully aware of the transience of life, the couple decides to make their dreams come true. After long months of suspense among their Instagram subscribers, the Van der Auwera family finally lifted the veil on their “lifestyle change” on this Father’s Day weekend. They then returned in detail to the poisoning of their animals and Sébastien’s new professional project – which this event propelled to the forefront.

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We will rebuild everything“: the Van der Auwera family is once again launching into animal rescue

A double shock. Last September, the Van der Auwera family, made up of Cindy, Sébastien and their eleven children, filed a complaint, they quickly realized that a complaint against X would lead to nothing. Analyzing the poisoned hay was an option, but it would have cost them thousands of euros for an uncertain result. Cindy and Sébastien Van der Auwera therefore prefer to make a clean sweep of the past and focus on the future: “We are going to rebuild everything: we are doing what we have always wanted to do: taking care of animals, animal rescue (…), we are starting everything from scratch“, explains the mother of the family to their Instagram subscribers. And while the couple is reluctant to say more about Sébastien’s new professional project, the supposition of an Internet user ends up making them give up.

Cindy and Sébastien Van der Auwera (Large families) always under emotion when talking about the loss of their animals

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Are you going to do an educational farm?“, a user asks them during the Instagram live.”The idea would be to do animal mediation with animals that we have saved“, then concedes Sébastien Van der Auwera. “So that they can receive love“, adds his wife as he continues: “Give them a second life so that they can give a second life to suffering children“. A step that the family had already taken, by training their camels – which they confess to having also lost – with the aim of having them interact with autistic children. Evoking this episode then becomes very heavy for the family who, tears in his eyes, decides to change the subject.


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