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Lucky Love, a singular life, and to the fullest. HIV status was a call to life: “alive since it is mortal”.

Lucky Love, whose real name is Luc Bruyère, is a multi-artist at 30: classical dancer, actor, model for Gucci, performer at Madame Arthur’s cabaret, and singer of the single Masculinity. The title ranked number 1 in Ukraine, Poland, and… Iran. “Tell me baby baby do I walk like a boy…”, these words have gone around the world, the song is also the soundtrack to the film The Beauty of Gaza, currently in cinemas.
This song breaks the codes of masculinity and finds itself number one in Iran. “When we found out it was crazy for me. What is magnificent about reaching countries like Iran is simply realizing that the message is universal, that the suffering is also universal..”

Masculinity, as a bridge between Iran and the United States

The singer received many messages from trans people in the United States and at the same time from former wounded warriors in Iran, reactions directly linked to this arm, for him who was born without a left arm from an illness detected during pregnancy from his mother. He who as a child, because of this handicap and harassed, had the dread of recess, was going to keep busy in order to go unnoticed; he thus immersed himself in books.
Lucky Love: “The first book I borrowed from the library was Love Story. When I read this book, I must have read it four times in a row, I read it because it really was a safe place for me, a place where I could suddenly escape from my story and at the playground, and find myself in a bubble. That’s why literature is magnificent.

The Mask and the Feather Listen later

Reading listen 6 mins

Dance, writing, discovery of the arts

His first passion will be classical dance, at the age of 5, under the wing of Craolyn Carlson, he will no longer hide this absence of arms. “Dance, Lucky Love explains to us, what’s magnificent is that it gave me meaning: when you’re born like that on the margins of society you wonder why, and dance gave me a mission. Instrumentalized wisely, and done well, I think that this body could deliver important messages“. Here he joins the philosopher Paul B. Preciado who develops the notion of the body as a political instrument.
He then started writing poems at the age of 8, and came across Barbara at the age of 15, a shock, especially this song Loneliness : “the first time I hear words that don’t come from me and yet come out of my heart from my chest“.

Brussels, the whirlwind of life, artificial paradises and HIV

Kicked out of Catholic schools in succession, coming out at 15, absent father, mother a little lost at first with this idea, running away to Brussels at 15, roommate with Roméo Elvis, anorexic at 18, life goes by quickly , very quickly, then the young man is diagnosed with HIV. A turning point. “For me it was a call to life, I was diagnosed with HIV on my 19th birthday. For me it was really the beginning of my life, it was from there that I realized that I was alive since I was mortal. Obviously today with HIV we live completely normally but simply the ideas we have about it… we have the impression when we tell you that we are carrying a little death in itself but this little death , me, only revealed the intensity of life“. A second birth for Luc Bruyère since which Lucky Love devours life, all the time, “because I know its value“.
And artificial paradises are completely over since paradise is now, he confides.

The rest in this show, where Lucky Love exclusively performs his brand new single I’m ready. The album will be released in the fall.

Bistroscopy Listen later

Reading listen 40 mins


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