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on what day and at what time will the TF1 grand finale be broadcast?

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It’s already over… After several weeks of competition, there are only four candidates left: Maxence, Lou, Alexis and Léo. For its return, TF1 had many surprises in store with a casting mainly from social networks, the big return of the Voice and Christophe Beaugrand to animation. The last few days have been marked by the love triangle between Lou, Maxence and Perrine. In a relationship with Perrine, Maxence at the same time confessed his feelings to Lou. Another downside is that Lou is in a relationship outside the house of secrets. In the daily newspaper of Wednesday June 12, she mentioned this concern: “Because of my relationship with Maxence, I was able to take enormous risks and potentially burn my wings and lose one of the most important things in my life outside. I knew how to put the brakes on when necessary, I think”.

Secret Story: an eventful last week with the departure of Perrine, Zoé and Kelyan

The week of the semi-final was full of twists and turns for viewers of Secret Story on TF1. Several candidates suddenly left the adventure a few days before the final. Zoé and Kelyan were eliminated causing a shock in the house of secrets. These departures were a real surprise for viewers. On Friday June 14, Perrine unfortunately had to leave the adventure at the gates of the final facing Léo, putting an end to the love triangle.

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Secret Story: when will the finale be broadcast?

The final of Secret Story 2024 will be broadcast on TF1 on Tuesday June 18 after the Euro 2024 football match between Portugal and the Czech Republic, then after the Mag hosted by Denis Brogniart. The final will start from 11:30 p.m. During the final, all the candidates will be present on stage. Several settling of scores could take place after an adventure full of twists and turns. Among the last four candidates remaining in the adventure, Lou seems the big favorite to win this edition of Secret Story.

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